Applications are invited for admission to the following M.Phil. Master’s PG Diploma, Diploma and Certificate Programmes under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in the University Departments of Study and Research for year 2007-2008
Master's Programme:
M.A. Ancient History and Archaeology, M.A. Historical Studies, M.A. Anthropology, M.A. Criminology and Criminal Justice Administration, M.Sc. Cyber Forensics and Information Security, M.Ed. (General), M.A. Continuing Education Management, M.A. Sociology, M.A. Corporate Sociology, M.A. Defence and Strategic Studies, M.A. Public Affairs, M.A. Public Management, M.A. Political Science, M.A. Indian Economics, M.A. Econometrics, M.A. Communication, M.A. Philosophy, M.A. Comparative Religion and Philosophy with Specialization in Saiva Siddhanta Studies, M.A. Comparative Religion and Philosophy with Specialization in Vaishnava Studies.
For More Details
University of Madras Admission 2007