National Institute for Mentally Handicapped Admission P.O. Manovikasnagar, Secunderabad – 500 009 National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, established in 1984, has so far trained 11857 professionals and personnel in 11 different long-term programmes recognized by RCI and affiliated to different Universities. NIMH has organized many international and national conferences. In the continuous rehabilitation education programmes nearly 98, 968 (rehabilitation and health professionals, personnel and government officials participated. It has a team of highly qualified experts and specialists of various disciplines who are engaged not only in these HRD activities but also in the research and development programmes, some of which are in collaboration with international organizations. For More Details National Institute for Mentally Handicapped Admission
Manipal University Admission 2007 Formerly known as MAHE (Manipal Academy of Higher Education) Asia’s largest library in an Educational Institution State-of-the-art innovation Centre Digital Campus Industry oriented courses with industry standard labs Now, an Online Entrance Test that gives you the freedom to choose the Location, Date, Time Admissions Open for 2007 Scholarships are available for meritorious students For More Details Manipal University Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Admission 2007 Ph.D. and M.S. Admission – July 2007 Applications are invited for admission to Ph.D. and M.S. programmes under regular full time [with / without Half-time Teaching / Research Assistantship (HTRA)] and part-time / external in the engineering departments on Aerospace, Applied Mechanics, Biotechnology, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Engineering Design, Mechanical Metallurgical & Materials and Ocean and in the departments of Chemistry, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics and Physics. For More Details Indian Institute of Technology Madras Admission 2007
IBAT School of Management Admission 2007 Kallinga Institute of Industrial Technology University Invites application for admission into Two year full time Residential Programme 2007-2009 (leading to Master of Business Administration) IBAT School of Management is a constituent unit of KIIT University. It has consistently ranked amongst the premier business schools in India. It features: Consistent quality placement Accreditation by NBA of AICTE Accreditation by NACC of UGC Excellent faculty from top Institutes, Universities and Companies State of the art academic & administrative infrastructure. For More Details IBAT School of Management Admission 2007
ICFAI Ph.D. Program Admission 2007 The ICFAI Institute for Management Teachers Gurgaon / Hyderabad / Kolkata / Mumbai Management Teachers Program Leading to Ph.D. Degree 3 Year Full Time Program (2007-10) For More Details ICFAI Ph.D. Program Admission 2007
Manipal University Admission 2007 The Benchmark of World Class Education 12 professional streams with 160 courses Asia’s largest library in an educational institution & one of the finest anatomy museums in the world. Now, an Online Entrance Test that gives YOU the freedom to choose the * Location * Date * Time For More Details Manipal University Admission 2007
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology Admission 2007 Longowal - District, Sangrur – 148 108, Punjab Admission 2007-2008 Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology (SLIET) is a national level Institute set-up by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India which offers unique modular pattern of education in various branches of Engineering & Technology at Certificate, Diploma, Degree M.Tech / P.G. level. For More Details Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology Admission 2007
Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM) Admission 2007 International Post-Graduate Diploma Courses in * Life Insurance * General Insurance * Risk Management Eligibility: Graduates in any discipline, including engineering, from a recognized University, with a minimum of 50% marks Selection process: Group discussion and personal interview. For More Details Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM) Admission 2007
University of Central Lancashire (UK) UG PG Admission Available UG & PG Programmes Science & Technology * Computing * Forensic Computing * Multimedia Computing * Digital Business * Data Base Systems For More Details University of Central Lancashire (UK) UG PG Admission
GRG School of Management Studies MBA Admission 2007 PSGR Krishnammal College for Women An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Bharathiar University MBA Programme – Admissions 2007 The Institute: GRG School of Management Studies (GRGSMS), a member of the GRG Group of Educational Institutions, is one of the very few institutes in the country dedicated and committed exclusively to the development of women business leaders. GRGSMS provides an excellent learning ambience with state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities including fully equipped classrooms, library and computer centre. Well qualified and experienced core faculty coupled with eminent visiting/guest faculty provide the best of academic inputs. For More Details GRG School of Management Studies MBA Admission 2007
National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)Admission 2007 Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase-III, New Delhi – 110020 Phone: 26826817, 26382236, 26826801, 9899089215 Course name MCP & CCNA ‘O’ Level Cyber Security Specialist Course duration 2 months 1 year 3 months Course fee Rs.6000 + service tax Rs.12750+service tax, Installment Facility available Rs.15000 + Service Tax, Installment Facility available For More Details National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)Admission 2007
National Power Training Institute (NR) Admission 2007 Badarpur, New Delhi – 110 044. Course on Operation & Maintenance of Hydro Electric Power Station Fulfilling the mandatory requirements of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 Amended in 1981. Why you should join: The main aim of the course is to develop a pool of technically trained manpower readily available for recruitment to the Indian Power Sector. The course enhances the knowledge and skill of the graduate engineers sponsored by the Power Utilities & fresh Graduate Engineers. For More Details National Power Training Institute (NR) Admission 2007
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Admission 2007 Jakkur, Bangalore – 560064 Integrated Ph. D. Programme in Materials Science Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research is offering an Integrated Ph. D. programme in Materials Science, commencing in August 2007. Candidates will be selected through an entrance test consisting of a written examination on Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics followed by an oral examination for shortlisted candidates. Students with Bachelor`s degree in any branch of Science are eligible to apply. Those with Bachelor`s degree in Engineering with an aptitude towards scientific research will also be considered. A minimum of 55% marks is one of the requirements. Candidates who are appearing for the final examination this year can also apply. Among the applicants, those holding first or second rank in their University, will be directly called for the oral examination. For More Details Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Admission 2007
Inter University Accelerator Centre - New Delhi Admission 2007 Inter University Accelerator Centre an Inter-University Centre having Mechanical and Electronics Workshop facilities intends to offer Apprenticeship Training. Qualified Indian nationals are invited to apply by 28.02.2007. Trade: Machinist (03) Welder G&E (01) Electronics (3) Qualification: ITI passed with Matriculation with 45% marks in aggregate. For More Details Inter University Accelerator Centre - New Delhi Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Admission 2007 In collaboration with Global Institute of Intellectual Property Offers 6 weeks (part-time) Certificate Course on Patents and Intellectual Property Services Course offers practical exposure & hands-on experience on Patent Processes, Prior Art Searches, Claims Drafting and General IP. Faculty includes International Trainers, Attorneys, Corporate Practitioners and other Experts. Pedagogy includes Lectures, Practicals, Case Studies and Group Discussion. Career Opportunities: Corporate Sector, Legal / Knowledge Process Outsourcing companies, MNCs, Law-firms, R & D Institutes etc. For More Details Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Admission 2007
Chandra Matriculation School Admission 2007 A School functioning under the ageis of GRG Trust, which also manages PSGR Krishnammal College for Women & PSGR Krishnammal Higher Secondary School for Girls. Tex Park Road, Civil Aerodrome Post, Coimbatore – 641 014 Phone: 0422-2626434 / 2626439 Salient Features: * Consistent 100% Pass in X Public Examination * Part 1 Language – Tamil, Hindi & French * Well-stocked Library with Latest Journals * Literary Review Clubs * Vast Play Area * Free Hindi Coaching For More Details Chandra Matriculation School Admission 2007
Advanced Training Institute for Electronics and Process Instrumentation Admission 2007 Green Park, Niranjanpur, Dehradun – 248 171 Uttranchal Phone & Fax: 0135-2629310 Applications are invited for the following Courses to be conducted during February & March 2007: Sl.No Name of the course Duration(in weeks) From To Total seats A Long Term Course 1 Consumer Electronics 48 26.02.2007 25.01.2008 16 2 Industrial Electronics 48 26.02.2007 25.01.2008 16 For More Details Advanced Training Institute for Electronics and Process Instrumentation Admission 2007
Avinashilingam University for Women B.ED & M.ED Admission 2007 Coimbatore – 641 043 B.ED & M.ED Admission 2007-2008 Applications in the prescribed form are invited from women candidates on or before 31-3-2007 for admission to B.Ed. & M.Ed Degree Course for the academic year 2007-2008 Prospectus and application form can be obtained from the Registrar on payment of Rs.60/- by cash or by Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Registrar, Avinashilingam University for Women, payable at Coimbatore 641 043 with a self addressed and stamped envelope (25 cm × 10 cm) for Rs.20/- from 17-2-2007 onwards. For More Details Avinashilingam University for Women B.ED & M.ED Admission 2007
S.N.R. Sons College MBA MCA Admission 2007 SNR College Road, Coimbatore – 641 006, Tamilnadu. M.B.A. and M.C.A. Admissions 2007 – 2008 SNR Sons College was started in the year 1987. Right from the inception, the college has been growing from strength to strength and has now got an established name by imparting quality education in tune with Indian and global standards.
National Small Industries Corporation Technical Services Centre The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi – 110020 S.N. | Course Title | Duration | Fee in rupees | Eligibility | Commencement | A.Certificate Course for Advance Workman Phone: 011-26826797 (Dir.).26826801 Ext: 22,69 | | Material Testing | One Year | 1100/- p.m | B. Sc with PCM | March 2007 (9.30am – 1.00 pm) | | Quality Control Inspection (Mech.) | One Year | 1100/- p.m | 10+2 | | | Machinist | One Year | 900/- p.m | 10th | March 2007 (9.30am – 5.00 pm) | | Turner | One Year | 900/- p.m | 10th |
Indian Air Force Unmarried Outstanding Sportsmen Admission Invites Applications from Unmarried Outstanding Sportsmen for Group ‘Y’ Trades Eligibility for Indian Air Force 1. Qualification: Passed Matriculation or equivalent examination 2. Sports Discipline: Basketball, Gymnastics, Football, Hockey, Weight Lifting, Wrestling, Handball and Cycle Polo. 3. Candidate should have achieved the following in any of the above sports discipline
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Admission 2007 Executive Programme for Young Professional / Managers – EPYP / YM Designed For Working Executives With 1 to 5 years of work experience Eligibility: Professionally Qualified candidates, Graduates, Post Graduates (degree of diploma holders) in any disciplines with 50% marks and with relevant experience as mentioned above. Selection: Academics & Professional records and quality of statement of purpose. Screening and selection is done solely by IIMC.
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology Admission 2007 Pachapalayam, Perur Chettipalayam, Coimbatore – 641 010 Tel: 0422-2605577, 2605477 Fax: 2605454 Admission 2007 – MBA & MCA Features
- Serene and Beautiful Environment
- Excellent Infrastructure
- Science and Dedicated Faculty
- State of Art Library
- Modern and High End computing Facilities
- Separate Hostels for Boys & Girls
- Well Connected Transport System
- Spacious and Hygienic Canteen
Jawaharlal Nehru University Admission 2007 Application Forms and Prospectus for admission to the following programmes of study are being issued by the University from 1st February 2007. - Category ‘A’ (Through Entrance Examination) - M.Phil / Ph.D., Pre-Ph.D. Ph.D. and M.Tech / Ph.D., M.A. M.Sc., MCA, and B.A. (Hons) in Foreign Languages
- Category ‘B’ – Direct admission to Ph.D. Programme
- Category ‘C’ – M.Phil / Pre-Ph.D. in Science Schools (only JRF holders)
Entrance Examination for admission to various programmes of study under Category ‘A’ will be held between 15th and 18th May 2007 in 51 cities in India and also Kathmandu (Nepal) and Colombo (Sri Lanka). Admission under Category ‘B’ and Category ‘C’ will be held through viva-voce examination only.
Indian Institute of Capital Markets Admission 2007 Invited applications for admission to Securities Markets Programme (SMP) 2007-08 (4th Batch) A one-year full time Post-Graduate Programme Securities Markets Programme (SMP): SMP is a specialized and an intensive programme that helps students to acquire necessary skill-set and training to pursue careers in the securities markets. Eligibility Criteria: Master’s Degree Or Bachelor’s Degree of three years duration from a recognized Indian University. Holders of Bachelor’s Degree should have relevant post qualification experience of at least two years.
XLRI Jamshedpur Admission Admission Announcement - Post Graduate Certificate in Business Management (PGCBM)
- Post Graduate Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (PGCLSCM)
Eligibility: PGCBM - Degree with min 50% marks & 2 years work experience. PGCLSCM - Degree with min 45% marks & 1 year work experience. Selection: Qualification, Experience & Interview.
National Institute of Industrial Engineering Admission 2007 NITIE Mumbai Invites Applications for Admissions to 1. Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering (PGDIE) 37th Batch (2007-2009) This two year programme develops Industrial Engineers as Technology Management experts for both manufacturing and service sectors. The programme covers subjects such as Supply Chain management, Six Sigma, Operations Management, Project Management, Logistics BPR, ERP and Software Engineering. Eligibility & Selection: Gate qualified 1st Class Engineering / Technology graduates in any branch. Gate qualified get Teaching Assistantship, Admission is based on Group Discussion and Interview with appropriate weightage given to Gate score. Selection of Industry Sponsored candidates with First Class Degree in Engineering / Technology (with a minimum of 2 years industry experience) is through personal interview only. Gate score is not required for Sponsored candidates.
Maeer MIT’S Admission 2007Institute of Design MIT, pune is synonymous with excellence in the field of professional education. The quest for excellence has resulted in creation of a world class center for design education, ‘MIT’s Institute of Design’, based on the philosophy of ‘Sadhan’, ‘Sadhana’ and ‘Sadhya’; under the able guidance of the senior-most faculties of Design in India. Graduate - Programs in Design
- Production Design
- Transportation Design
- Interior-Space and Equipment Design
- Graphic Design
- Display and Events Design
- Animation Design
- Film and Video Design
Hindustan College of Engineering Post Graduate Diploma Admission Technology Information, Forecasting 0and Assessment Council (TIFAC) under the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, has selected Hindustan College of Engineering to establish a Centre of Relevance & Excellence (Core) in Aircraft Maintenance, jointly funded by DST / Government of India, Hindustan College of Engineering and Industrial Partners. Post Graduate Diploma Courses and Short-Term Certificate Courses on various specialized subjects in Aviation Engineering with online maintenance training will be offered at the Centre to meet the requirements of the Aviation Industry. The courseware and training methodology are designed by industry / IIT experts.
The National Institute of Open Schooling Admission 2007 Online admission for open schooling from March 1 New Delhi: The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is all set to make its admission and accreditation process online from March 1. The New system will benefit students interested in the mode of distance education as they can now directly deal with NIOS instead of enrolling through Accredited Institutions (AIs).
C.M.S. College of Science & Commerce Admission 2007 Chinavedampatti, Coimbatore – 641006 Ph: 0422-2666465, 2667158 C.M.S. College of Science & Commerce was established in the year 1998 by C.M.S. Educational and Charitable Trust, Coimbatore. The Trust is a no-profit organization promoted by eminent persons. Presently the Colleges is in the Nineteenth year of its stride towards realization of the hopes and aspirations of its founders. Our motto “Challenge Meets Success” emphasis the great mission of education.
Bioinformatics Institute of India Admission 2007 C-56A / 28, Sector-62, Noida – 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India Tel: 0120-4320801 / 02, 09818473366, 09810535368 Bioinformatics Institute of India, BII has been setup for the promotion, growth and prosperity of Bioinformatics & related sciences in India and abroad. It is the biggest (distance participation) training organization in its field in India. As a premier institution, its training programs are attaching participants from the USA, UK and other 20 countries. Participants who are enrolled in earlier because of BII are from prestigious organization such as IBM, Oracle, TCS, IIT, AIIMS, AMU, IARI, WIPRO, Infosys, BIOCON, CDRI, ITRI, Ranbaxy, Pfizer, Glaxo, Bayer, Dabur etc. among others.
Air Australia International Airlines Admission 2007 Fast Track To A Jet Setting Career with the Airlines Admission 2007 Western Australia’s Pre Eminent General Aviation Flight Training School with 15 years of Repute Invites Prospectus Students to Apply for an Individually – Designed Training Programme Leading to a Commercial pilot’s License with Multi-engine, Command Instrument Rating (CPL / ME IR)
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Admission 2007 Chennai –600 036 The schedule of admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas for the session 2007-08 will be as follows: A. For All Classes (Except Class XI) (i) Sale of registration from and Commencement of registration (Cost of Registration form and onwards Prospectus is Rs.100/-) - 15th February 2007 (ii) Last date for the receipt of completed application - 10.03.2007 B. For Class XI (Science / Humanities / Commerce) Will commence after the declaration of CBSE results of Class X Reservation
Indian Institute of Science Admission 2007 Bangalore – 560 012. Applications are invited for admission to the following programs: (i) Research [Ph D/M Sc (Engg)]: (ii) Course (ME / M Tech / M Des): (iii) Integrated Ph D; and (iv) External Registration [Ph D and M Sc (Engg)]. Qualifications for eligibility, specializations, areas of research and other details can be found in the advertisement that appears in Employment News dated 27/01/2007. Details can also be found on our Website
Madurai Kamaraj University Distance Education Distance Education Palkalai Nagar, Madurai – 625 021. Phone: 0452-2459185 Fax: 0452-2458265 IT Courses | M.C.A. | Any Degree with Mathematics at +2 level | (3 yrs) | M.C.A. | Lateral Entry: B.C.A. / Any Degree with P.G.D.C.A | (2 Yrs) | B.C.A | Pass in +2 | (3 Yrs) | B.C.A. | Lateral Entry – Pass in 10th Std. With any 3 years Diploma Qualification | (2 Yrs) | B.Com | (Computer Applications) pass in +2 | (3 Yrs) | P.G.D.C.A | Any Degree | (1 Yr.) |
S.R.V. Boys & Girls Higher Schools Rasipuram – 637408 Phone: Boys School: 04287-231261, 231262, 231263, 231264, 231265 Girls School: 04278-223210, 223211, 223707, 226982, 83, 85 Admission for the Academic Year 2007 – 2008 +1 Admission will be based on the marks obtained in 10th Standard. +1 Application along with Prospectus will be issued separately at Boys and Girls Higher Secondary Schools from 21.03.07 (Wednesday)
SSN School of Management & Computer Applications Admission 2007 Old Mahabalipuram Road, Off Chennai, Kalavakkam - 603 110. Tamil Nadu An institution founded by Mr. Shiv Nadar, Chairman, HCL Technologies Ltd., and offering Top of the line MBA / MCA Programs Program Highlights
- Value Based Education at affordable cost
- Liberal Merit/Merit cum Means / Sports Scholarships
- State of the art infrastructure and campus facilities
- It enabled and tuned to industry requirements
- Additional Modules for Soft Skills and Project Management
- Excellent placement opportunities
G R Damodaran Academy of Management MBA Admission 2007 Neelambur, Avanashi Road, Coimbatore – 641 014 Tamilnadu Ph: 0422 – 2572719 2591863-64 2576557 2626206-7 Fax: 0422-2591865 Exclusive and most modern facilities Experienced Faculty Holistic, Value based and practice oriented Management Education Professional Training, Value Addition Focus on Placement Hostel facilities for men and Women. MBA Admission 2007 Eligibility: A pass in any Bachelor’s Degree
Indian Institute of Science Admission 2007 Bangalore – 560 012 Applications are invited for admission to the following program (i) Research (Ph.D./ M.Sc. (ii) Course (ME / M.Tech / M.Des) (iii) integrated Ph.D. and (iv) External Registration Program at the Institute. Qualifications for eligibility specialization area of research and other details are available at our Website: Candidates who have not yet completed their studies and expect to complete all requirements for the degree (including all examinations, dissertation projects, viva-voce etc.) before July 31, 2007 are also eligible to apply. (b) Submission of Application Forms. (1) Filled-in application forms should reach the Deputy Registrar (Academic), Admissions Unit, IISc, Bangalore – 560012 on or before 23.03.2007.
King Georges Medical University Admission 2007 Lucknow, India ICMR Sponsored MD-PhD Programme – 2007 MD-PhD Super-speciality Program has been initiated to promote State of the Art interdisciplinary research in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research. The selected candidate shall receive stipend of Rs.10, 325+ allowances per month. Eligibility: MD or MS or Equivalent in any Medical Subject.
North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology Admission 2007 Nirjuli (Itanagar), Arunachal Pradesh - 791109 Admission to M.Tech. & Ph.D. (By Research): 2006-2007 Applications are invited from Indian citizens for admission to M.Tech. & Ph.D. (By Research) in the Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D. (By Research) in Forestry, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics & Humanities and Social Sciences.
Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007 Post Diploma In Tool Design & Manufacturing Duration: One year (Starting from 01.03.2007) Course Fee: Rs.40, 000/- (in four equal installments) Eligibility: Diploma / Degree in Mechanical / Production / Automobile or its equivalent. Final year students expecting results before start of course can apply. Course Contents
- Mould Design by using Pro-E
- Press Tools Design by using CATIA / AUTO CAD]
- Mould Press Tool manufacturing by using Unigraphics / Master CAM
The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts Of India University, Tripura The CFA Program Leading to the CFA Charter and the MFA Degree The Icfai University, Tripura is mandated by law to offer the CFA Program and confer the CFA Charter and Designation on successful candidates, who will also receive the Master of Financial Analysis (MFA) Degree. This is a postgraduate program (based on self-study and examinations) with a sharp focus on financial analysis as applicable to investment management.
Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd MIMS Academy Offers DNB Course in - Cardiology
- Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery
Duration of course: 3 years No. of seats: One each Stipend: As prescribed by NBE Selection of candidates: Based on aptitude test conducted by the Institute. Date of aptitude test: 12th February 2007 starting at 10 am Last date of receipt of application: 8th February 2007 before 5 pm (Self-written CV to be submitted) either by post or e-mail. Date of commencement of course: 15th February 2007.
Army Institute of Fashion and Design Admission 2007 (A Unit of Army Welfare Education Society) ITI ‘B’ Area, Dooravani Nagar, Old Madras Road, Bangalore – 560016 Tel: 25618014 / 25617559 / 25617309. IFD, Bangalore announces admission to following courses. Course | Duration | Qualification |
Post Graduation Diploma Courses | PG Diploma in Fashion Design (PGDFD) | 2 Years (Four Semesters) | Any Degree or equivalent | PG Diploma in Fashion Design & Retailing (PGD FD &R) | 2 Years (Four Semesters) | PG Diploma in Apparel Merchandising & Logistics Management (PGDAM & LM) | 2 Years (Four Semesters) | Admissions for PG Courses is Open for all the children of civilians and Army personnel | Under Graduate Course (Affiliated to Bangalore University) | B. Sc. (Fashion & Apparel Design) | 3 Years (Six Semesters) | 10+2(Any stream) or Equivalent |
The Indian Navy Branch/Type of Entry | Unmarried Men/Women | Age Limit(Years) | Educational Qualifications | Executive Branch | Permanent Commission | a) Cadet Entry (NDA)(Through UPSC) | Men | 16 1/2-19 | 10+2 or equivalent with Physics & Maths | b) Cadet Entry (10+2)Naval Academy (Through UPSC) | Men | 16 1/2-19 | 10+2 or equivalent with Physics& Maths | c) Graduate Special Entry Naval Academy,(Through UPSC;written examination conducted through CDSE) | Men | 19-22 | B. Sc (Physics & Maths) or BE | d NCC Special Entry Naval Academy | Men | 19-24 | B Sc (Physics & Maths) or BE with Naval Wing Senior Div NCC ‘C’ Certificate | e) Direct Entry Naval Armament Inspection Cadre | Men | 19 1/2-25 | Degree in Electronics/Elect./ Mech.Engg. or Post Graduate Degree in Electronics or Physics. |
Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Post Graduate Institute Puducherry Admission to DNB Courses Applications are invited from Candidates who have passed primary Examination Part-I in DNB (PG Diploma / M.S. Degree. For admission to 3/2 years Part-II DNB Training commencing from March 2007 in the following disciplines at the Indira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital & Post Graduate Institute / Maternity Hospital. Puducherry Specialities: - General Surgery
- General Medicine
- Anaesthesiology
- Paediatrics
Institute for Psychotherapy & Management Sciences E-1, Ashokraj CHS, 1st Floor, S.V.Road, Behind Ratna Hotel, Goregaon (W), Mumbai – 62. Phone: 2879 0890 – 91 / 6692 2901 / 02 Eligibility: Graduation Medium: English Salient Features - The most reputed private institute in India.
- Lowest fees structure in the entire nation.
- Study Materials by expert faculty.
- Timely exams & results twice a year.
- Recognized by Open International University.
NMIMS School of Pharmacy & Technology Management Admission - Premier University in India
- Grade ‘A’ accreditation by NAAC
- New Campus at Shirpur
- Over 100 full time core faculty
- Over 290 Corporate
- Professionals & Internationally
- Acclaimed visiting faculty
- Proactive Industry Institute
- Partnership
- International Linkages
- Innovative Programmes
Invitation to Join NMIMS after Std. XII
PSG-Faimer Regional Institute An Educational Leadership Faculty Development Program for South Asia Region 16-20 April 2007 At Department of Medical Education, PSG IMS & R, Coimbatore. Applications are welcome from Health Professions Training Faculty who are involved in Faculty Development activities & interested in bringing about changes in curriculum to improve student learning at your home institution Application process is via Internet.
Subhas Bose Institute of Hotel Management Admission 2007 Kolkata & Goa - Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management & Tourism
- Master Degree in Hotel Management & Tourism
- Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology
Why SBIHM? 100% Job Guaranteed by leading National & International Hotels, Airline, Hospitals, Bank, Film City, Call Centre, Shipping Company as Manager, Air Hostess, HOT. Supervisor, Captain, Flight Purser, Cabin Crew etc. 12 months industrial Training only in 5 star hotels with stipend. SBIHM alumni are working in India, South Africa, Italy, UK, USA, Germany, Dubai, Kuwait, Soudi Arabia, Oman, Singapore, Maldives and many other destinations.
Asiausa Aviation Admission 2007 Be an Airline Professional Commercial Airline Pilot License CPL/IR/ME (Pre flight training in India flight training a board in Philippines / Australia / USA / Sri Lanka) International Airlines Management (By correspondence & pre flight training in India practical in India / Abroad) Aeronautical Engineering (A M E) (Pre flight training in India & Flight training in AAC Sri Lanka)
Global Institute of Management Technology (GIMT) Admission 2007 330 A, Opp. E-Block, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi – 110076 Ph: (011) 29942045-46/32541274, Fax: (011) 29942047 Invites Future Managers For academic session 2007-2009 Leaders always have a winning edge over followers Why GIMT? - GIMT is promoted and managed by eminent educationist; Well known in the field of management and professional education;
- Eminent faculties drawn from premier institutions across country:
- Regular Guest lecturers from the corporate industry;
- Air-conditioned Class-rooms & Computer lab with free & unlimited internet access;
- Special emphasis on personality grooming and communication skills;
Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology Admission 2007 IHM Meerut, established in 1987 cherishes a mission to nurture the young aspirants for the most sophisticated hospitality industry. It`s campus is spread over 7.5 acres of land on National Highway-58 (Delhi-Dehradun Road) and has ultra modern facilities. Apart from being equipped with proper training kitchens, restaurants, computer labs, placement cell, library, Wi-Fi zone, swimming pool, play grounds modern gym, separate hostel for boys and girls etc. The Institute’s faculty comprise of full time qualified and dedicated professionals and visiting faculty drawn from leading hotel chains of the country.
The New Thrust in Management Education Indian Ethos & Values Admission 2007 SriSIM has pioneered and operationalised value based management education-Vivek Management as a new concept. The Institute also aims to develop a band of learning individuals, armed with strong conceptual foundation and intuitive insights, who are capable of successfully meeting the challenges of Global Business Economy. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management 2007-2009 (12th Batch)
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research AdmissionJakkur, Bangalore – 560064 Integrated Ph.D. Programme in Materials Science 2007-2008 Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research is offering an Integrated Ph.D. Programme in Materials Science, Commencing in August 2007. Candidates will be selected through an entrance test consisting of a written examination on Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics followed by an oral examination for short listed candidates. Students with Bachelor’s degree in any branch of Science are eligible to apply.
