P.B College of Engineering Admission 2007Admission 2007 - 2008 M.C.A (Master of Computer Applications) B.E (Bio-Medical Engineering) B.E - Aeronautical Engineering For more details on this topic: P.B College of Engineering Admission 2007
National School of Hotel Management NSHM Admission 2007 Under Graduate Courses * Bachelor in Hotel Management & Catering Technology * Bachelor of Travel & Tourism Management * Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering Technology International Programs * BA in International Hotel & Tourism Management * MBA in International Hospitality Management * Bachelor in Hospitality Management For more details on this topic: National School of Hotel Management NSHM Admission 2007
Institute of Business Management Technology IBMT Admission 2007 Two-year full time P.G. Programs * MBA – Master in Business Administration * MBM-Tech – Master Programme in Business Management and Technology * PGDM – Post Graduate Diploma in Management One–Year Professional & Diploma Courses Institute of Business Management Technology Special Programs * Marketing Management * Financial Management Undergraduate Programs * BBM * BBA * B.Sc For more details on this topic: Institute of Business Management Technology IBMT Admission 2007
Hindustan College of Engineering Admission 2007 TIFAC - CORE in Aircraft MaintenanceCentre of Relevance & Excellence (CORE) in Aircraft Maintenance at Hindustan College of Engineering (Sponsored by Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council [TIFAC], Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt, of India) invites applications for admission to the 2nd batch of Post Graduate Diploma (PG Diploma) in Aircraft Maintenance commencing in first week of September 2007. For More Details on this Topic: Hindustan College of Engineering Admission 2007
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Admission 2007Admission 2007-2008M.TechApplications are invited for vacant seats in Post Graduate (M.Tech) Degree Programs of the VTU in the following areas of specialization. * Computer Integrated & Manufacturing * Power Electronics * Structural Engineering * Chemical Engineering For more details on this topic: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Admission 2007
St.Peter's Engineering College Admission 2007BE. / MCA Admission 2007-2008 We thank the AICTE, New Delhi for granting additional seats in the following Branches * B.E. Aeronautical Engineering * B.E. Computer Science & Engineering * B.E. Electronic & Communication Engineering * B.E. Civil Engineering * B.Tech – Information Technology * B.Tech – Bio-Technology * MCA For more details on this topic: St.Peter's Engineering College Admission 2007
United World Colleges Admission 2008Offer a two-year programs leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. This is recognized as equivalent to the completion of Grade XII by the Association of Indian Universities. For more details on this topic: United World Colleges Admission 2008
SDM Educational Society Admission 20071. M.Tech Course: i) Computer Aided Design off Structure: ii) Engineering Analysis Design: iii) Digital Electronics: 2. SDM College off Physiotherapy Bachelor of Physiotherapy 4 years For more details on this topic: SDM Educational Society Admission 2007
Utkal University of Culture Admission 2007Utkal University of Culture invites applications from the candidates securing 55% of marks in Post-Graduate Examinations for registration of Ph.D. Degree for the session 2007-08. For more details on this topic: Utkal University of Culture Admission 2007
CMS College of Science and Commerce Admission 2007Admission 2007-08Few Seats Available for Following Courses * M.B.A. : (Master of Business Admin.) * M.Com. (Master of Commerce) * M.Com. Finance & Control * M.Com. International Business For more details on this topic: CMS College of Science and Commerce Admission 2007
All India Institute of Management Studies Admission 2007Offers Six months/One year Diploma and 18 months PG Diploma Courses by Correspondence. (Distance Education) * Business Management * Marketing Management * Materials Management * Exports Import Management * Bannng&Insurance Management * Travels Tourism Management For more details on this topic: All India Institute of Management Studies Admission 2007
Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - GITAM Admission 2007PG Courses * M.Tech Computer Science & Technology * Master of Computer Applications (MCA) * M.Sc Bioinformatics * Post Graduate Diploma in Export Import Management UG Courses * B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering. * B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering. * B.Tech Information Technology * B.Tech Biotechnology For more details on this topic: Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management - GITAM Admission 2007
Visvesvaraya Technological University Admission 2007Programs offered by VTU. The eligible candidates interested to get admission to these M.Tech. Programs on merit basis can attend the admission process scheduled on 27-8-2007 at 11.00 a.m. For more details on this topic: Visvesvaraya Technological University Admission 2007
National Institute of Bank Management Admission 2007Post-Graduate Programs in Banking and Finance Admission 2008 - 09 One Year full-time Programs for Careers in Banking and Financial Services Industry For more details on this topic: National Institute of Bank Management Admission 2007
Hamdard University Admission 2007Directorate of Open and Distance Learning S.No Name of the Program/Course Program Code Duration 01 PG Diploma in Bio-informatics (PGDB) Eligibility: B.Sc in Biology or B.Sc in Maths/Statistics with biology in 10+2 as one of the subjects. 651 01 year 02 PG Diploma in Chemo Informatics (PGDC) Eligibility: B.Sc with Chemistry as one of the subjects. 652 01 year For more details on this topic: Hamdard University Admission 2007
Punjab Technical University Admission 2007Join Diploma / Degree In Airlines Diploma Airlines, Tourism And Hospitality Management Course Bsc Airlines, Ticketing & Hospitality Management Course For more details on this topic: Punjab Technical University Admission 2007
Jiwaji University, Gwalior Admission 20071. Graduate Course * B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B. Lib I.Sc, B.J.M.C, BBA (RTM) 2. Post Graduate Course - * M.A - Economics, History, Ancient History, Sociology, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Political Science, Public Administration, Geography, Drawing & Painting And Social Work. * M.Lib I.Sc, M.J.M.C, M.B.A (CSMM), M.B.A (RTM) Etc. * M.B.A General (Three Year) 3. PG Diplomas- Psychological Counselling, Computer Application, Human Resource Development, Yoga Education. For more details on this topic: Jiwaji University, Gwalior Admission 2007
Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007Code No Course Name Duration in weeks From To AE-2 SCADA Programming Applications (RS View 32) 1 20.08.2007 24.09.2007 24.08.2007 28.09.2007 AE-3 Micro Controller its Industrial applications 2 27.08.2007 07.09.2007 AE-4 Computer Awareness and MS Office 2 10.09.2007 21.09.2007 For more details on this topic: Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007
Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007Code No Course Name Duration in weeks From To AE-2 SCADA Programming Applications (RS View 32) 1 20.08.2007 24.09.2007 24.08.2007 28.09.2007 AE-3 Micro Controller its Industrial applications 2 27.08.2007 07.09.2007 AE-4 Computer Awareness and MS Office 2 10.09.2007 21.09.2007 For more details on this topic: Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007
Shri B.M Patil Medical College Admission 2007Admission 2007-2008 NRI / NRI Sponsored Candidates & Others Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Others (MBBS) For more details on this topic: Shri B.M Patil Medical College Admission 2007
Narayana Medical Institutions Admission 2007Courses Offered by Narayana Medical InstitutionsMBBS with 150 annual admissions. Post Graduate Degree Courses Post Graduate Diploma courses: For more details on this topic: Narayana Medical Institutions Admission 2007
Madurai Kamaraj University Admission 2007Admission 2007-2008 Industry Integrated Programmes * MBA - 1 Years * BBA – 3 Years Industry Integrated * Regular Degree Course * On-the-job Training * Soft Skills Training * Passouts have Industry exp For more details on this topic: Madurai Kamaraj University Admission 2007
Shirdi Sai Engineering College Admission 2007B.E. * Computer Science & Engineering. * Mechanical Engineering. * Electronics & Communication Engineering For more details on this topic: Shirdi Sai Engineering College Admission 2007
University of Madras Admission 2007The University is offering M.L. Degree Course in the following branches under Private Study (Non Semester) and M.L Degree under CBCS system (Full-time) during the academic year 2007-2008. For more details on this topic: University of Madras Admission 2007
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Admission 2007Applications are invited from postgraduates in Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences and MBBS graduates for RGCB's Ph.D Program currently affiliated to University of Kerala. For more details on this topic: Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology Admission 2007
Loyola Institute of Technology Admission 2007Admission 2007 For granting additional seats in the following branches :- BE * Computer Science & Engineering * Electronics & Communication Engineering * Information Technology * Mechanical Engineering M.C.A For more details on this topic: Loyola Institute of Technology Admission 2007
Government Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007Admissions for Post Diploma in Tool Design offered at its Bangalore, Mysore & Hubli Centres only Course Offered: * Two Years Part Time Course between 6.00 P.M. and 9.00 P.M. Only at Bangalore. * One Year Full Time Course between 8.00 A.M. and 5.30 P.M. In Three Centres as Above. For more details on this topic: Government Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007
Directorate of Medical Education Admission 2007Admission to B.Sc. Nursing Course (for Trained Nurses) for 2007-2008 session.Applications are invited for admission to B.Sc, (Nursing) Degree Course for Trained (Diploma) Nurses 2007-2008 Session in Government College of Nursing Madras Medical College, Chennai - 3 in the State of Tamil Nadu. For more details on this topic: Directorate of Medical Education Admission 2007
University of Madras Admission 2007Admission 2007 - 2008Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to M.A. degree course in Bharathanatyam under Private Study in the Department of Indian Music, University of Madras for the year 2007-2008. For more details on this topic: University of Madras Admission 2007
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Admission 2007PhD. Programs in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer & Systems Sciences and Science Education Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematics (Bangalore) and Biology M.Sc. Programs in Biology and Wildlife Biology & Conservation For more details on this topic: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Admission 2007
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology Admission 2007CAD / CAM / CAE CoursesTitle Fee(Rs.) Duration 1. Intensive 3 Months Programs on CAD / CAM / CAE Using UGNX / Pro-E WILD FIRE / 1-DEAS NX / MOLDFLOW / CATIA / Ansys / Hyper works / LS - DYNA (Any three software) (FT) With Assured Placement 60,000/- 3 months 2. Dual Programs on ANSYS & Pro-E / CATIA / UGNX (FT/PT) 24,000/- 260 hrs 3. CAD / CAM using Pro-E/ UG NX / CATIA / l-deas NX (FT/PT/NB) 18,000/- 200 hrs For more details on this topic: Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology Admission 2007
Dr.G Viswanathan Institute of Medical Sciences Admission 2007Applications are invited for August 2007 session for the following Courses: 1. Obst & Gynaecology 2. General Surgery 3. Radio Therapy 4. Orthopedics 5. Family Medicine 6. Radio Diagnosis For more details on this topic: Dr.G Viswanathan Institute of Medical Sciences Admission 2007
Sri Ramachandra University Admission 2007Ph.D. Programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Allied Health Science & Biomedical Sciences For more details on this topic: Sri Ramachandra University Admission 2007
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Admission 2007 M.E. AdmissionA few seats are available in the following courses * M.E. - Structural Engineering * M.E. - CAD/CAM * M.E. - Industrial Safety Engineering * M.E. - Power Electronics & Drives * M.E. - Communication Systems * M.Tech - Nano Science and Technology. For more details on this topic: Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Admission 2007
M.S. Engineering College Admission 2007 Admission 2007-08 * B.E. Information Science & Engineering - 15 seats * B.E. Computer Science & Engineering - 07 seats For more details on this topic: M.S. Engineering College Admission 2007
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Admission 2007Engineering Courses: * Civil Engineering * Industrial Engineering & Management * Medical Electronics * Chemical Engineering * Instrumentation Technology For more details on this topic: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Admission 2007
Bangalore School of Business Admission 2007Admission Open for August 2007 Batch M.B.A (Industry Integrated) B.B.A (Industry Integrated) B.Com B.B.M (Limited Seats) B.Com. (Evening) For more details on this topic: Bangalore School of Business Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Admission 2007Admission to Executive Program in Business Management (EPBM) * Minimum 5 yrs work experience. Executive Program for Young Professionals (EPYP) * Minimum 1 yrs work experience. General Management Program for IT Professionals (GMP-IT) * Minimum 1 yrs work experience. Program for Leading and Managing (PLAM) * Minimum 15 yrs work experience. For more details on this topic: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Admission 2007
ICFAI University Admission 2007BBA BCA BS * BS (Marketing) * BS (Finance) * BS (Banking) * BS (Insurance) * BS(Accounting) For more details on this topic: ICFAI University Admission 2007
Bharathidasan University Admission 2007Admission for 2007-2008Professional Courses – Semester Pattern * M.B.A. (EMM Syllabus) Selection is based on entrance test, qualifying examination * M.C.A. (Selection is based on entrance test) * M.Sc. IT. (Information Technology) * M.Sc. I.T. (Software Technology) * M.Sc. (E-Commerce & its Applications) * M.C.A. - Lateral Entry (Direct Admission -2nd year). * PGDCA For more details on this topic: Bharathidasan University Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Admission 2007Admission to Executive Program in Business Management (EPBM) * Minimum 5 yrs work experience. Executive Program for Young Professionals (EPYP) * Minimum 1 yrs work experience. General Management Program for IT Professionals (GMP-IT) * Minimum 1 yrs work experience. Program for Leading and Managing (PLAM) * Minimum 15 yrs work experience. For more details on this topic: Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Admission 2007
University of Agricultural Sciences Admission 2007Admission to B.Sc. (Horticulture) Under Graduate degree program for the year 2007 – 08 at College of Horticulture, Bidar For more details on this topic: University of Agricultural Sciences Admission 2007
Management Development Institute (MDI) Admission 2007Admission invitation Beginning July 2008. Post-Graduate Programs in Management (PGPM) Post-Graduate Programs in Human Resource Management (PGP-HR) in collaboration with National HRD Network Post Graduate Programme in International Management(PGP-IM) collaboration with ESCP-EAR France National Management Programs (NMP) For more details on this topic: Management Development Institute (MDI) Admission 2007
KS Rangasamy College of Technology Admission 2007B.E / B.Tech 4 years Programmes * Mechanical Engineering * Electrical & Electronics * Engineering Electronic & Communication Engineering * Computer Science Engineering * Information Technology For more details on this topic: KS Rangasamy College of Technology Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) Admission 2007In collaboration with National Institute for Rural Banking (NIRB) Bangalore Launches Advanced Diploma in Cooperative Banking (ADCB) For fresh graduates and employees in Urban / Other Cooperative Banks Weekend classes commence from 1st September 2007
For more details on this topic: Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) Admission 2007
Gowtham College Admission 2007 Gowtham Collge Admission 2007 - 2008 * DMXT – X-ray Technician * DOT – Operation Technician * DMLT – Lab Technician * G.N.M- Nursing * B.Ed – Education For more details on this topic: Gowtham College Admission 2007
BioInformatics Institute of India Admission 2007Admission is open for following: BioInformatics Institute Admission 2007 Batch, Distance Participation Programs: Last Date: 30th September 2007For more details on this topic: BioInformatics Institute of India Admission 2007
Alpha Industry Finishing School Admission 2007Alpha College of Engineering * B.E. - Bio-Medical Engineering * B.E. - Computer Science & Engineering * B.E. - Electronics & Communication Engineering * B.Tech - Information Technology For more details on this topic: Alpha Industry Finishing School Admission 2007
XLRI School of Business & Human Resources Admission 2007Management Development Program Title of the Programme Programme Director (s) Duration Venue Theory of Constraints Prof Rajiv Misra Sep. 3-5 Mumbai Personal Growth and Effectiveness Lab Fr PT Joseph, SJ. Sep. 3-7 XLRI Preparing a Business Plan Prof Munish Thakur Sep. 3-7 XLRI Creating Value through Win-Win Negotiation Prof D P Sinha and Dr Abhijit Gangopadhyay Sep. 5-7 XLRI For more details on this topic: XLRI School of Business & Human Resources Admission 2007
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Admission 2007Applications are invited for the following Distance Education Courses * Animal Welfare - Print / On-line web based mode * Optimizing Cattle Feeding based on Locally Available Fodder Resources - CD ROM * Recent Trends in Disease Diagnosis and Treatment of Ruminants - Print Mode * Management of Infertility in Bovines-Print Mode For more details on this topic: Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Admission 2007
Loyala Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) Admission 2007Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) is one of the premier business schools in the country. It is an autonomous institution recognized by AICTE and offers both a full time and a part time Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) with specialization in Finance, Marketing, Systems, Human Resources, and International Business. For more details on this topic: Loyala Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) Admission 2007
Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management Admission 20071. Two Year Full-Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management 2008-2010 2. Two Year Full-Time Post Graduate Diploma in Management - Finance 2008-2010 For more details on this topic: Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management Admission 2007
Anna University Chennai Admission 2007MBA MCA M.Sc Branches * Computer Science * Computer Technology information Technology * Software Engineering For more details on this topic: Anna University Chennai Admission 2007
Agri Business Management Admission 2007A premier National Institute for Co-operative Management offers Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) in Agri Business Management at Pune, recognized by AICTE and equivalence to MBA granted by Association of Indian Universities (AIU). For more details on this topic: Agri Business Management Admission 2007
Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions 2007Admission to B.E / B.Tech Degree Courses 2007-2008 Applications are invited for the conduct of supplementary counselling for Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions 2007 from Tamil Nadu candidates who have become eligible consequent to the supplementary instant examinations during 2007. For more details on this topic: Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions 2007
Michael Job Memorial Colleges Admission 2007 Michael Job Memorial College Of Education For WomenM.Ed B.Ed Michael Job College of Arts & Science for WomenCourses Offered * B.C.A Bachelor of Computer Application. * B.B.M Bachelor of Business Management with Computer Application * B.Com. Bachelor of Commerce with Computer Application * B.A. English Language & Literature * B.A. Tamil Literature For more details on this topic: Michael Job Memorial Colleges Admission 2007
Kodaikanal Christian College Admission 2007Graduate Courses * B.Sc (Hotel Management Catering Science) * B.B.A (Business Administration) * B.Com (With Computer Applications) * B.C.A (Computer Applications) * B.Sc (Computer Science) For more details on this topic: Kodaikanal Christian College Admission 2007
National Institute of Technology Admission 2007Admission for Master of Engineering Courses Applications are invited for admission to M.E / M.Tech. Courses in : * M.E in "Water Resources Development and Irrigation: Engineering" (Civil Engineering) * M.E in "Energy System and Pollution" (Mechanical Engineering) * M.E in "Chemical Process Design" (Chemical Engineering) * M.Tech in "Computer Technology" (Electrical Engineering) For more details on this topic: National Institute of Technology Admission 2007
Pondicherry University Admission 2007MA Mass Communication South Asian Studies M.Sc. Electronic Media Applied Psychology Food Science and Nutrition M.LI.S Master of Library and Information Science M.S.W Master of Social Work M.Ed. Master of Education M.Tech. Environmental Engineering Networks and Internet Engineering For more details on this topic: Pondicherry University Admission 2007
British International University Admission 2007Admission MD / MS / MDS3 yrs MD / MS / MDS ProgramDoctor of Medicine (MD) * Internal Medicine * Pediatrics * Anaesthesia * Pathology * Dermatology * Radio Diagnosis For more details on this topic: British International University Admission 2007
Annamalai University Admission 2007
M.B.A. Programmes - (2 Years) * M.B.A (EM & TM) * M.B.A E-Business * M.B.A International Business * M.B.A Human Resource Management * M.B.A Financial Management,(New Delhi) * M.B.A Marketing Management * M.B.A Applied Management For more details on this topic: Annamalai University Admission 2007
The Institute of Charted Financial Analysts of India University Admission 2007 Master Degree ProgramsBased on Self – Study & Examination * Retail Management * Telecom Management * Aviation Management * Financial Services Management * Infrastructure Management * Hospital Administration For more details on this topic: The Institute of Charted Financial Analysts of India University Admission 2007
St.Andrews International Academy Admission 2007Bachelor of Science (BS Bio Degree) Duration:-1 Year & 4 Months (Pune) Doctor of Medicine (MD) Duration:-4 Years (Philippines) Total Duration for BS & MD is 5 years & 4 months For more details on this topic: St.Andrews International Academy Admission 2007
Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Admission 2007Admission Policy For MBBS & BDS : 2007-08 Kalinga institute of Medical Sciences has got approval from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt, of India on recommendation of MCI, and DCI,DE for imparting MBBS Course with intake of 100 students and BDS Course with intake of 100 students from the session 2007-08. As per the Admission Policy, the allocation of seats for MBBS & BDS programme will be as follows: For more details on this topic: Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Admission 2007
Fore School of Management Admission 2007Admission ProcedureAll candidates are required to appear for the Common Admission Test (CAT) to be conducted by IIMs on November 18,2007. For further details please refer to the CAT advertisement that has appeared in all leading newspapers in the month of July-2007. For more details on this topic: Fore School of Management Admission 2007
XLRI Jamshedpur School of Business & Human Resources Admission 2007Post Graduate in Retail Management (PGCRM)For graduates from recognized university with minimum 50% marks in graduation and proficiency in computer. This program is meant for those who wish to pursue their career in retail industry. For more details on this topic: XLRI Jamshedpur School of Business & Human Resources Admission 2007
Sri Venkateswara University Admission 20071. M.Phil Programme (1 year): Telugu / English / Hindi / Urdu / Sanskrit / Tamil / Economics / History / Political Science and Public Administration / Sociology / Philosophy / Anthropology / Commerce / Education / Mathematics / Psychology / M.B.A 2. Post Graduate Courses (2 Years): M.Sc: Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Psychology, Public Relations (MSPR). M.A: Economics, English History, Political Science & Public Administration, Sociology, Telugu.M.Com, L.L.M, MBA(3Years), MCA(3years) 3. Under Graduate Courses: B.A, B.Com, B.Li.Sc, B.Ed, Third Methodology. 4. P.G Diploma Courses (1 year): Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, guidance and Counseling; Consumer Education. 5. Certificate Course In Library Science: (CLISc) For more details on this topic: Sri Venkateswara University Admission 2007
Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam Admission 2007Admission Department of Law, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam offers the following Law Courses. Interested women students may opt for this University at the time of counseling. Admissions for these course are made by the Convener LAWCET-2007 through common counseling. Date of Counseling: * For 3 Years LLB Course from 13-08-2007 to 16-0&-2007 * For 5 Years LLB Course on 17-08-2007. 1. LL.B 3 Years Degree Course: 2. LL.B 5 Years Degree Course: For more details on this topic: Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam Admission 2007
Ruralnaukri Institute of Agribusiness Management Admission 2007Acquire Quality education in Agribusiness Management ruralnaukri.com introduces two year Job Oriented Post Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness Management (E-PGDABM) on correspondence basis. Advisory board and faculty are alumni of IIM Ahmedabad / IRMA / other premier institutes including former Director, IRMA. For more details on this topic: Ruralnaukri Institute of Agribusiness Management Admission 2007
Karpagam College of Engineering Admission 2007Few Seats Available * M.E. - Mechatronics Engineering * B.Tech. - Information Technology * B.E. - Electrical & Electronics Engineering * B.Sc. - Computer Technology For more details on this topic: Karpagam College of Engineering Admission 2007
Institute for Plasma Research Admission 2007 National Fusion Programme (NFP) IndiaNFP Research &Development Opportunities for the Industry Expression of Interest For more details on this topic: Institute for Plasma Research Admission 2007
Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2007Invites Applications for Admission to the B.Com with Major in Accountancy and Finance (B.Com A&F) M.Com in Finance and Taxation (M. Com F&T) For July 2007 Session For more details on this topic: Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Management Admission 2007Programme Dates Regulations in Production and Marketing of Food Products August 20 - 24,2007 Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing August 27 - 31,2007 Health Programmes Data Analysis and Interpretations for Monitoring September 3 - 7,2007 Manufacturing Strategy September 6 - 8,2007 For more details on this topic: Indian Institute of Management Admission 2007
Hamdard University Admission 2007Admission Ph.D Pharmaceutical Medicine Program The only multi-disciplinary training programme of its nature in India, is being run since 1997 in Majeedia Hospital in collaboration with Ranbaxy Research Laboratories, with the objective to impart a broad based training to pharmacists in Pre-clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Research, Biopharmaceutics, Drug Regulation and various aspects of work at the Medical Department of Pharmaceutical Industry. For more details on this topic: Hamdard University Admission 2007
Vinayaka Centennial Canadian Business School Admission 2007MBA International GMAT / TOEFL / IELTS Not Mandatory Convenient Study Options * First Year in India Second Year in Canada with One Year Work Permit in Canada * First & Second Year in India with One Month Training workshop in Canada at no extra cost For more details on this topic: Vinayaka Centennial Canadian Business School Admission 2007
Times Centre for Medial Studies Admission 2007Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism A well trained journalist can change many lives for the better, including his own. If you believe in the power of the written word, if writing is your passion, we believe that our Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism will help you achieve all you seek. For more details on this topic: Times Centre for Medial Studies Admission 2007
Thapar University Admission 2007Formerly Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology Admission to B.Tech (Distance Education), September. 2007 Applications are invited for the Admission to B.Tech. * (Distance Education) in Civil * Computer Science * Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. For more details on this topic: Thapar University Admission 2007
RAK Medical & Health Science University Admission 2007Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) * 5 year program + 1 year internship Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.) * 5 year program + 1 year internship Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) * 4 year program + 6 months practice school) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing) * 4 year program) For more details on this topic: RAK Medical & Health Science University Admission 2007
National Institute of Business Management Admission 2007MBA (Two year Distance Learning) Electives: HRM, Finance, logistics, Marketing, Operations. Materials. Sales, Advertising, CRM, Retail, International Trade Highlights: Professional Study Materials Case Study Focus Special thrust on Business Enciish Placement Assistance For more details on this topic: National Institute of Business Management Admission 2007
MGM University of Health Sciences Admission 2007M.Sc in Medical Sciences Name of Courses Duration Intake M.Sc Medical Anatomy 3 years 20 M.Sc Medical Physiology 3 years 20 M.Sc Medical Biochemistry 3 years 20 M.Sc Medical Pharmacology 3 years 20 M.Sc Medical Microbiology 3 years 20 For more details on this topic: MGM University of Health Sciences Admission 2007
KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research Admission 2007 Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM 2008-2010) * Rated A+ by Indian Management (September 2006 AIMA / IMRB Survey) * Ranked amongst the top 20 B-Schools in India * 100% Placement Record in top MNCs and Indian Companies * An ISO 9001:2000 certified Institute * State of the art infrastructure including hostel for boys and girls * Qualified and industry experienced faculty with faculty student ratio 1:15 * Over 5000 alumni working in reputed Indian and International companies For more details on this topic: KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research Admission 2007
Institute of Public Enterprises Admission 2007Admission to Two-Year Post-Graduate Diploma Business Management (2008-2010) The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad is the premier Business School at Hyderabad and recognised as a "Centre of Excellence" by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, Ministry of Human Resources, Government of India for doctoral studies. For more details on this topic: Institute of Public Enterprises Admission 2007
Indian Insitute of Management Admission 2007Post Graduate Diploma in ManagementImportant Dates: Last Date for Submission of CAT application: Saturday September 08, 2007 Last Date or Submission of Exe-Application Form: Monday November 12, For more details on this topic: Indian Insitute of Management Admission 2007
Hindusthan College of Arts & Science Admission 2007Few Seats Available Spot Admission UG Courses * B.Sc. Biochemistry * B.Sc. Biotechnology * B.Sc. Visual Communication * B.Sc. Computer Science * B.Sc. Microbiology * B.Sc. Electronic Media * B.Sc. Electronics & Communication Science * B.Sc. Information Systems Management * B.C.A * B.Com (General) For more details on this topic: Hindusthan College of Arts & Science Admission 2007
EMPI Business School Admission 2007EMPI Management Education & Professional Training General Management * Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Business Management) – PGDM (BM) Post Graduate Programmes for Global Job Opportunities * Global Business & Entrepreneurship (PGP-GBE) * Advertising & Communication (PGP-AdCoM) * Human Resource & Organisation Development.(PGP-HR&OD) * Entrepreneurial Business & Analytics (PGP-EBA) + MBA option For more details on this topic: EMPI Business School Admission 2007
Construction Industry Development Council Admission 2007Advance Training Programme in Construction Technology & Management CIDC was established in 1996 by the Planning Commission, Govt, of India, and the Indian Construction Industry to streamline the functioning of Indian Construction Industry. For more details on this topic: Construction Industry Development Council Admission 2007
Adhiyamaan College of Engineering Admission 2007M.B.A (Accredited by NBA) Eligibility: As per Government norms U.G programmes * B.E - MECH, ECE, CSE, EEE, EIE, Civil, Bio-Media * B.Tech - IT, Chemical, Bio-Tech P.G Programmes * M.E - CSE, Communication Systems, CAD, Engineering, Design, Power System & Engineering, Environmental Engineering For admission contact the Principal immediately. For more details on this topic: Adhiyamaan College of Engineering Admission 2007
RKCS Educational Society Admission 2007Admission 2007 R.K College of Systems & Management, New Delhi Courses Offered Bachelor Degree courses after 10+2/ Graduation Courses * BCA * B.Sc (Information Technology) * B.Com * B.Ed * DOEACC 'A' Level * BBA * MCA * MBA * PGDCA Diploma, Post Graduate Diploma other Certificate Courses For more details on this topic: RKCS Educational Society Admission 2007
PES Institute of Technology & Management Admission 2007 Admission Open for Academic Year 2007-08 B.E Admission 2007 * Computer Science & Engineering * Information Science & Engineering * Electronics & Communication Engineering * Electrical & Electronics Engineering For more details on this topic: PES Institute of Technology & Management Admission 2007
Cambridge Institute of Technology Admission 2007Admission Open for Academic Year 2007 – 08 B.E Admission 2007 * Computer Science & Engineering * Information Science & Engineering * Electronics & Communication Engineering * Electrical & Electronics Engineering For more details on this topic: Cambridge Institute of Technology Admission 2007
A.V.K. & N.S.V.K. Institutions Admission 2007Admission Open for 2007-08 B.Sc Biotechnolgy, Microbiology & Chemistry - 10th +2 Science B.C.A - 10th +2 Any Group D.Pharm - 10 +2 with Science BBM - 10+2 with 40% Any Group PUC - PCMB / E / Computer Science / HECA / MECA – 10th Pass BSc Nursing - 10 + with 50% - GNM with 10+2 Pass B.com - 10+2 with Commerce For more details on this topic: A.V.K. & N.S.V.K. Institutions Admission 2007
Annamalai University Admission 2007Admission 2007-2008Health Science Programmes: (One Year) * Medical Cosmetology * Family Medicine * Echo-Cardiography * Accident & Emergency Care * Maternity & Neonatal Care * Adolescent Health Care For more details on this topic: Admission 2007-2008
Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology Admission 2007BAB, Bangalore, a Public-Private initiative of Department of IT & BT, Government of Karnataka & ICICI Bank, announces admissions for the PostGraduate Courses * Bioinformatics (18-months) * Cheminformatics (18-months) and * Biotechniques (8 or 14 months) For more details on this topic: Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology Admission 2007
Info Institute of Engineering Admission 2007Courses Start this Year * B.Tech Information Technology * B.E Computer Science and Engineering * B.E Electrical Electronics Engineering * B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering For more details on this topic: Info Institute of Engineering Admission 2007
Mother Teresa Womens University Admission 2007PG Courses - Any Degree (2 Years) PG Diploma Courses Any Degree (1 Year) Proposed Courses Cost of Application In Person(Rs) By Post (Rs) M.C.A, M.B.A 250/- 300/- Other PG 100/- 150/- PG Diploma 75/- 125/- UG / Diploma 60/- 110/- For more details on this topic: Mother Teresa Womens University Admission 2007
University of Madras Admission 20071. Department of Zoology a) PG Diploma in Immunotechnology (Full-time) b) PG Diploma in Advanced Aquaculture (Full-time) 2. Department of Criminology Diploma in Cyber Crime & Information Security (Part-time) For more details on this topic: University of Madras Admission 2007
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Admission 2007Attention MBA Aspirants Make the Best of an Amazing offer Get MBA level compensation after the course of less than 1 year at an elite B-School Fly High with PGPMI – Postgraduate program in management & Insurance ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd., in association with leading Business Schools presents India’s first "Post Graduate Program in Management and Insurance". You will be given an on the spot provisional offer letter as Executive Trainee with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. Ltd., on being selected for the course. For more details on this topic: ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Admission 2007
Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007One year Condensed Certificate Course In tool & Die MakingApplication are Invited in the prescribed from intending candidates for admission to One Year Condensed Certificate in Tool & Die Making course for the session 2007-2008 from September 2007For more details on this topic: Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007
The University of Burdwan National Workshop Admission 2007National Workshop on Scanning Electron Microscopy Four-day Workshops on SEM during (i) October 03-06 focused on Animal Science and Life Molecules and (ii) Nov 20-23, 2007 focused on Plant Science and Biological Application for * Teachers, Scientific Personnel, Research Fellows from Universities and Colleges * Personnel from R&D Organizations, Industries and other institutions. For more details on this topic: The University of Burdwan National Workshop Admission 2007
Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007Courses Offered UG * B.E. Computer Science & Engineering * B.E. Electrical and Communication Engineering * B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering * B.E. Civil Engineering * B.E. Mechanical Engineering * B.Tech. Bio Technology * B.Tech. Information Technology For more details on this topic: Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007
RVS College of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007Admissions are open for the following courses * B.E Computer Science and Engineering * B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering * B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering * B.Tech Information Technology For more details on this topic: RVS College of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007
Nobel Medical College Admission 2007 Admission Course Offered: MBBS Duration: 4.5 Years + 1 Year Internship. Tuition Fee: 18 Lac No of Seats for Indian Students: 25. For more details on this topic: Nobel Medical College Admission 2007
Karnatak University Admission 2007
International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management (IDIRHEM)Admission
Applications are invited for admission to the One Year, interdisciplinary course called International Diploma in Reproductive Health Management" for the academic year 2007-2008. This is a regular full-time course of one year duration spread over two semesters. The admission for this course is based on the performance in the Entrance Examination consisting of Written Test, Group Discussion, and Personal interview. For more details on this topic: Karnatak University Admission 2007
Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2007Staff Training & Research Institute of Distance Education Schedule of Workshops - Invitation for Nominations SI.No Workshop Title Venue Dates Number/ Seats Registration Fees 1 Research Training Workshop for SOUs and DEIs (Southern Region) IGNOU Regional Centre, Hyderabad August 19-21, 2007 30 Rs. 3,000/- For more details on this topic: Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2007
Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007 Post Diploma in Tool Design & ManufacturingDuration: One year (Starting from 05.09.2007/04.03.2008) Course Fee: Rs.40, 000/- (in four equal installments) For more details on this topic: Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission 2007
Park Aeronautical Science Admission 2007AME - Aircract Maintenance Engineer Admission Open for August 2007- Batch Offers AME training in Light Aircraft & Piston Engine (Duration: 3 Years) For more details on this topic: Park Aeronautical Science Admission 2007
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Admission 2007Admission (2007-08)Applications are invited on plain paper (Prescribed application form will be filled up at time of interview / counselling) with a DC of Rs. 300/- drawn in favour of "Registrar, DAVV”, payable at Indore for admission (few seats vacant) in the following courses: M.Tech (Future Studies and Planning)For more details on this topic: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Admission 2007
Ambedkar Institute of Technology Admission 2007Admission to M.Tech, Programme Academic Session 2007-08 Programme Eligibility Intake M.Tech (Information Security) 1. First Class B.Tech/B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering/ Information Technology/Electronics & Communication Engineering/ Allied Branch) degree. 2. MCA, M.Sc. (IT) Computer Science / Electronics with first class. 18 M.Tech (Digital Communication) 1. First Class B.Tech/B.E. (Electronics & Communication /Allied Branch) degree. 2. M.Sc. (Electronics) with first class 18 For more details on this topic: Ambedkar Institute of Technology Admission 2007
Alagappa University Admission 2007Admission 2007-2008 Applications are invited for admission to M.Phil. Full time Programme in the following subjects by the University Departments. * Tamil * English * Commerce (Entrance) * Physical Education * Corporate Secretaryship * Bank Management * Physics * Industrial Chemistry * Mathematics For more details on this topic: Alagappa University Admission 2007
Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007Admission 2007 SI. No. Course Particulars Weeks From To A NC/CNC 1. CNC Technology (Turning & Milling Centre) 03 06-08-2007 24-08-2007 2. CNC Turning (Programming, Operation and Practice) 02 10-09-2007 21-09-2007 01-10-2007 12-10-2007 3. CNC Programming & Simulation 01 23-07-2007 27-07-2007 For more details on this topic: Advanced Training Institute Admission 2007
Park Global School of Business Excellence Admission 2007Park Global PGDBM Better than MBABe the best and different Opportunity to get MBA Degree of University of Missouri-St. Lousis, USA * 100% global placement through close rapport with industry * Rigorous, global, and dynamic curriculum developed by International Board of studies. * Opportunity to pursue second year course work at University of Missouri – St. Louis, USA Admission Counseling by Dr.Mahesh N.Shankarmahesh of University of Missouri-St. Louis on 04 August (Saturday) from 10 am to 6 pm at For more details on this topic: Park Global School of Business Excellence Admission 2007
Vector Control Research Centre (ICMR) Admission 2007Applications are invited for admission into the Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Entomology (PGDME) course for the year 2007-2008 The last date for receipt of filled in application is 20.08.2007For more details on this topic: Vector Control Research Centre (ICMR) Admission 2007
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Admission 2007I. UG Degree Courses (3 Years) * BA :Tamil / History / English / Music * B.Com / BBA / BCA / B.Lit Tamil * B-Sc: Maths / Physics / Chemistry / Psychology For more details on this topic: Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Admission 2007
National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped Admission 2007Admission For M.Phil in Rehabilitation PsychologyApplications from eligible candidates are invited for admission to M.Phil in Rehabilitation Psychology for the academic year 2007-09. The course is designed to prepare a cadre of professionals with high quality competencies to work as Master Trainers / Specialists in the field of disability. For more details on this topic: National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped Admission 2007
Government of Karnataka Admission 2007Applications are invited from the intended candidates and who fulfill the minimum qualification and conditions for selection to the following Para Medical Courses in Government Medical Colleges at Bangalore, Mysore, Bellary, Hubli & Bowring & Lady Curzon Hospital, Bangalore and Govt. Dental College, Fort, Bangalore and also Govt, quota seats in Private Institutions for the year 2007-08. For more details on this topic: Government of Karnataka Admission 2007
Dr. RG. Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007Admission 2007-08A Few Seats Are Available In the Following Branches B.E.
* Civil Engineering * Electrical & Electronics Engineering * Electronics & Communication Engineering * Computer Science & Engineering * Information Science Engineering * Automobile Engineering B.ArchFor more details on this topic: Dr. RG. Halakatti College of Engineering and Technology Admission 2007
Punjab Technical University Admission 2007 IT & Management Stream * MCA * BCA * MBA * BBA * M.Sc.(IT) * B.Sc.(IT) * PGDCA / DCA ADHNT Non-IT Stream * B.Sc. * M.Sc. * PGDIP / DIP Hotel Management Airline Ticketing & Hospitality Management. * Fashion Technology, Jewellery & Interior Design * Paramedical & Applied Technologies BBIO Informatics - Bio Technology * Media & Multimedia Technology For more details on this topic: Punjab Technical University Admission 2007
