Cosmic Business School Admission 2007 A Maharishi Group Initiative Present in 120 Countries – 200 Schools in 176 cities in India With more than 100000 students – Universities in USA 7 Management schools in India - Post graduate Programme in Management (PGPM)
- Master in Business Administration (MBA)
Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline 10+2+3 system with at least 50% marks or equivalent to CGPA. Candidates appearing in the final examination of the Bachelor’s Degree are also eligible, provided they complete all the formalities for their examination before 30th June 2007 & furnish proof of having met the minimum eligibility criteria latest by 30th August 2007.
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kozhikode Kozhikode Campus P.O, Kozhikode – 673 570 Kerala Phone: 0495-2809380 Fax: 0495 2803010 / 11 Doctoral Programme - Fellow Programme in Management IIM Kozhikode, a new generation IIM and a leading institution of excellence in management research, education, training and development in the Asia – Pacific region invites, outstanding to apply for its doctoral programme, Fellow Programme in Management. The Programme duration is normally 4 years while it can be completed any time after 3 years. The programme offers specialization in the following four areas: - Information Technology & Systems
- Marketing Management
Common Entrance Test CET- Karnataka 2007-08 Professional Courses Government Of Karnataka Applications Are Invited From Eligible Candidates From Karnataka Including The Wards Of Jammu & Kashmiri Migrants For Registration For The ‘Common Entrance Test 2007’ For Admission To First Year Medical / Dental / Ayurveda / Homoeopathy / Unani / Naturopathy & Yoga / Engineering / Technology / Architecture Courses For The Seats To Be Notified By The Government In The Professional Educational Institutions In The State Of Karnataka For The Academic Year 2007-2008.
Tamil Nadu Adi Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation Limited (TAHDCO) Thirumangalam, Chennai 600 101. Free vocational Training Admission Notification Walk in interview TAHDCO decided to impart Training to 100 SC/ST women candidates in Air – hostess Training Course through Air – Hostess Academy Chennai Centre. Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe women unmarried candidates having following qualification are invited to undergo one year Air – hostess Training Course in Air – Hostess Academy Chennai Centre. Christian Converted SC candidates are also eligible to undergo this training. Institution fee and hostel charges will be paid by TAHDCO and stipend of Rs. 200/- per month per candidate will also be paid.
VLSI Design and Research Centre Department of Electronic Science University of Pune Pune – 411 007. Phone: 020-25690836 / 25690837 Certificate Course in VLSI Design - Advanced Digital Design
- CMOS VLSI Design Hierarchy
- System Architectures
- Embedded Systems
- High Level Design Methodology
- Testing & Verifications
- Industry Standard Project
Courses commencing from 15th March 2007
The Indian Navy - Short Service Commissioned OfficerBecome a short service commissioned officer in education branch Serve the nation with pride – join the Indian navy Course commencing – Aug 2007 Applications are invited from unmarried Male and Female Indian Citizens for Short Service Commission Officers in the Education Branch of the Indian Navy for Course commencing Aug 2007 at naval Academy (NAVAC), INS Zamorin, Ezhimala, Kerala.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur Admission 2007 Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT) Admission 2007-2008 Programme: IIT Kharagpur offers Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT), a full time programme, at its three campuses located at Kharagpur, Kolkata and Bhubaneswar, Instruction is provided in a combination of distance and contact modes. This two-semester PG Diploma programme is designed to focus on the fundamental components as well as on the advanced aspects and innovative applications of Information Technology. Seals are reserved for SC/ST candidates and persons with disability as per Government of India rules. Reservation for OBC candidates would be implemented as and when government orders for the same are issued. PGDIT 2007 Admission Test: April 15, 2007 (Sunday) 10.00 am to 12.00
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur Admission 2007 School of Medical Science and Technology Masters in Medical Science and Technology (MMST) Admission 2007 Masters in Medical Science and Technology (MMST) is a unique 3-year programme for MBBS graduates (degree recognized by Medical Council of India) with aptitude for technological applications in medical science. All the candidates admitted to the programme are offered an assistantship ofRs.10, 000 p.m. Seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates and persons with disability as per Government of India rules. Reservation for OBC candidates would be implemented as and when government orders for the same are issued. MMST Admission Test: April 15, 2007 (Sunday) 10.00 am to 12.00 noon
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Admission 2007 Post Graduate Programmes 2007 – 2008 Promoted by the IDBI, IFCI Ltd, ICICI Ltd. & SBI, with support from the Govt. of Gujarat and recognized as ‘Centre of Excellence’ by UN – ESCAP, Bangkok, EDI Announces admission to Tenth Batch of its one year. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Entrepreneurship & Management (PGDBEM) Specialisation options: - New Enterprise Creation
- Family Business Management
- Agri – Entrepreneurship
- Services Management
Last date for submission: 2nd March, 2007
Indian Institute of Astrophysics Bangalore - 560034 Applications are invited for Research Trainees and Software Trainees to work with the Himalayan Chandra Telescope Remote Control Station layan Spasce Astronomy through TAUVEX project and UVIT pay loads at this Insitute. The duration of the training is for a period of one year
Avinashilingam University for Women Admission 2007 MBA Eligibility: Women Graduates with minimum 55% marks from any university approved by UGC. Preference - Work experience
- Engineers and Computer Professionals
Selection Criteria - MAT/CAT/JMET/XAT/ATMA/TANCET Score (s)
- Group Discussion and Personal Interview.
Issue of Application: 24/01/2007 Last date for Receipt of filled in Application: 01/03/2007
Indian Statistical Institute Admission 2007 203 B.T. ROAD, Kolkata-700 108 - B.Maths. (Hons.)
- M.Stat. M.Math
- M.S. (QE)
- M.Tech
- (CS)
- M.Tech. (QROR)
- Other Courses and Fellowships.
Applications are invited for the following Programmes from the candidates having qualifications as shown against each programme. Stipend / Fellowship as mentioned against each programme will be available to the deserving candidates. The complete details are available in the prospectus. 9(a), 9(b) are offered in Kolkata, Delhi & Ban galore. 9 (c) is offered in Kolkata and Delhi. 9(1) is offered only in Ban galore. Remaining JRF Programmes are offered only on Kolkata.Section of candidates is based on academic record, written tests and interviews conducted by the Institute. Detailed procedures of selection of the candidates who have been offered Junior Research Fellowships by the CSIR/NBHM are available in the prospectus. Date of Selection Test: India and abroad: 06 may 2007
Madurai Kamaraj University Admission 2007 Applications are invited for admission to the following courses offered by the University for the academic year 2007-2008. - M. Sc., Microbial Gene Technology (MGT)
- M. Sc., Bio-Chemical Technology (BCT)
- M. Sc., Genomics
- M. Sc., Sub Aqua Marine Ecology & Toxicogenomics (SAME & TG)
- Post M. Sc., Cert. Course in Plant Genetic Engineering (PMCPGE)
- M. Sc., Electronics & Instrumentation (E & I)
- M.B.A.
- M.C.A
- M.B.A. (Hospital Administration)
Last date for receipt of filled in application … 14.02.2007 Date of Entrance Test … 17.03.2007 & 18.03.2007
School of Archival Studies - National Archives of India Admission 2007 55th Short term certificate course in “Reprography” Objective: To train the trainee in the process of Reproduction of documents & manuscripts, in microfilming, handling of automated information storage, retrieval and dissemination. Duration: 2nd April 2007 to 11th May, 2007 Eligibility: Second class graduate from a recognized university, preferably in science. Reservation: Seats are reserved for SC/ST/OBC private Candidates as per Government norms. Last date of receipt of application: 16th February, 2007Boarding & Lodging: The School has no Boarding and Lodging facility.
ICFAI Flexible Education Admission MBA Dutration: Two Years Electives - Marketing
- Finance
- Operations
- IIT & Systems
- International Business
- Banking
- Insurance
- Investments
MS (Finance) Dutration: Two Years Focus Areas - Corporate Finance & Control
- International Finance & Risk Mgmt
- Investment Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt
- Banking & Financial Services
Other MS Programs - MS (Banking)
- MS (Insurance)
- MS (Accounting)
Eligibility: Graduation: Graduation (Any discipline)
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) MBA Admission 2007 Member of AACSB Association to Advance collegiate Schools of Business, USA Vellore 632 014 Tamil Nadu India VIT University is the first Indian University to get International Accreditation by IET, UK. The management programmes offered by the VIT Business School are truly for students who want to stand head and shoulders above the average MBA today.A B-School that’s a class apart. Important dates: Issue of Application Forms from: 19.01.07Last Date of receipt of Application: 07.03.07
Central Tool Room & Training Centre Admission B-36, Chandka Industrial Area, Bhubaneswar – 751024 Ph. No. (0674) 2743349 (D) 2743310, 2743447 (Extn. 335, 336) Fax (0674) 2743061 E-mail:
Advance Diploma in EDM & CNC WEDM Duration: 6 Months (8 hrs. per day/15 days per week). Starting: 06.02.2007 No. of Seats: 09 Fee: Rs.19, 500/- (Paid in three installments). Eligibility: Diploma in Mechanical / Production Engineering. Course contents - Auto CAD
- Introduction EDM Selection of Electrodes
Institute of Insurance and Risk Management (IIRM) Admission 2007 Plot No.1149, Road No.57, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad – 500 033. Phone: 040-23556470
Distance Learning Programmers International Post Graduate Diploma in - Life Insurance (IPGDLI)
- General Insurance (IPGDGI)
Duration: under distance mode Two semesters (one year) Eligibility: Employed professionals with minimum Graduate degree in any discipline (including Engg and Management) with atleast 50% marks from any recognized university/Institute. Self employed Graduates of any discipline with atleast second class (50%) and aged 35 years and above can also apply.
The Indian Navy - Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR) 2007 Invites Applications from Unmarried Male Candidates for Enrolment as Sailors for Senior Secondary Recruits Course Commencing August 2007Eligibility Conditions: Applications are invited from unmarried Male Indian Citizen. Educational Qualifications: Minimum 45% or more aggregate marks in 10+2/equivalent with compulsory subjects Maths and Physics, optional subjects Chemistry/Biology/Computers. Age: Candidates should have been born between 01 Aug 1986 to 31 Jul 1990 (Both dates inclusive).
St. John`s International Residential School Admission 2007 Member of St. John’s Group of Schools Highlights - CBSE; Co-Educational; Classes IV to XII
- Research Based Academic Approach,
- Technology & curriculum Based IT-Learning.
- World Class Learning Environment & Infrastructure.
- Professional support for competitive Examinations
- Virtual Class room for 3D Learning – CAX Methodology.
- UCMAS Centre & Hitech Maths Lab at Campus
Application & Prospectus will be issued from Thursday, the 18th January 2007. Application Fee Rs.250/- in person; Rs.300/- by mail; Rs.500/- by Airmail. DD to be drawn in favour of “Saint John`s Educational Trust”, payable at Chennai.
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Admission 2007
Mohali, A Scientific Society of Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Govt. of India A-34, Phase-VIII, Industrial Area, Mohali – 160071, (Near Chandigarh) Punjab, India. Phone: +91-172-2237052-57 Fax: +91-172-2237050-51 E-mail: enquiry@cdac.mohali.stpi, Advanced Diploma in CADD Engineering Duration: 26 Weeks Fees: Rs.25,000/- (payable in two equal installments) Starting Date: 29.01.07 Last Date: 26.01.07
School of Archival Studies - National Archives of India Admission 2007 26th short term certificate course in “Archives Management” Duration: 5th February 2007 to 16th March 2007. Objective: To make the trainee aware of acquisition, arrangement, up-keep and retrieval of records. Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline preferably in humanities from a recognized university. Reservation: Seats are reserved for SC/ST & OBC private candidates as per Government norms. Age: Below 30 years for private candidates, Below 50 years for sponsored candidates. Registration Fee: Application along with attested copies of educational qualification and Rs.25/- (Rupees twenty five) only through crossed Indian Postal Orders / Bank Draft in favour of Administrative Officer, National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001, be sent to The Director General of Archives, National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001. Sponsored candidates should apply through proper channel
University of Pune Admission 2007 Department of Computer Science M.C.A., M. Sc., M. Tech., Entrance Exam will be held on March 3, 2007 at: Aurangabad, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nashik, Pune and Varanasi. Reservation: 50% of seats reserved for Mahrashtra domicile SC, ST, DT/NT, OBC as per Govt. of Maharashtra G.R. and 3% for PH.
Manipal University Admission 2007 Now, an online Entrance Test that gives you the freedom to choose the Location Date Time Admissions open for 2007 MD: Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Community Medicine, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Forensic Medicine, General medicine, Hospital Administration, Microbiology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychiatry, Radio – diagnosis, Radio – therapy. MS: General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology. PG Medical Diploma: Anaesthesiology, Clinical Pathology, Child health, Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Otorhinolaryngology, Psychiatry, Radio – diagnosis.
Motilal National Institute of Technology Admission 2007 Allahabad – 211004
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 2007 – 2009 School of Management studies of the Institute offers two year full – time Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme. The Institute has highly qualified faculty with international exposure, industry oriented curricula and coveted placement through campus. For Application From eligibility and other information visit the Institute website Application Form can also be procured from the Institute by sending a self addresses
The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University ‘Poompozhil’, 5 Greenways Road Chennai – 28 Admission to M.L. Degree full time Courses for the Calendar Year 2007 in accordance with the revised UGC Syllabi in the Post Graduate Departments of the Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University with the following specifications: - Batch I: Business Law
- Batch II: Constitutional Law & Human Rights
- Batch III: Intellectual Property Law
- Batch IV: International Law & Organization
- Batch V: Environmental Law & Legal Order
- Batch VI: Criminal Law & Criminal Justice Administration
Eligibility: A pass in B.L Degree (3 year & 5 year) examinations with 45% marks in aggregate under new regulations or with 40% marks under old regulations, whenever applicable.
Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research Admissions to the PGDBM / PGPeB / PGDBM – Retail / PGPMS / PGPRM (Pantaloon) / PGPBD (2-year full-time Programs) 2007-09 Welcome to India’s fastest recipient of the Dr.J.J.Irani Award for Best Management Institute of the year’, 2006. It has been related 10th in the private B-School category and 5th in the global linkages category by outlook in the B-School Survey, 2006 Our 2 year Full-Time Programs (405 seats) - Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management: Mumbai –150 seats
- Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management: Bangalore – 30 seats
Karnataka Religion & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (KRLMPCA) Flat no.143, ‘Suryamukhi’ Garden Appartments #21, Vittal Mallya Road Bangalore – 560 001 Phone: 4112 1244 Fax: 4112 1266 (KRLMPCA) Email: / / Admission Notice 2007-08 Applications in the prescribed form are invited from eligibile candidates for admission for the academic year 2007-08 in Medical & Dental PG & Diploma Courses in our following Member Institutions (You may visit our website for details of subjects, intake and application form) Karnataka Religion & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association (KRLMPCA)
Kumaraguru College of Technology Admissions 2007 Coimbatore – 641 006 Management Quota * MCA Master of Computer Applications (Three year full time course) * Eligibility: Any degree with Maths / Statistics / Computer Science of Technology as one of the Subjects MBA Master Of Business Administration (Two year full time course) Eligibility: Any degree * Appearance in Tamilnadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET-2007) is essential. Kumaraguru College of Technology Admissions 2007
Nano Science and Technology Consortium Nano Technology Sensitization Program Duration: 6 Months A Six months Distance Learning program for all those who are interested in this progressive & rapidly expanding filled of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. This program focuses on providing an up-to-date overview, basic knowledge, potentials and present / future perspective applications in the area of Nanotechnology. This program also provides a comprehensives insight to candidate’s professionals for making an exciting & rapidly expanding career in this emerging domain of Nano Service and Nanotechnology. Nano Science and Technology Consortium
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Admission to the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehra Dun, January-2008 Term-Examination to be Held on 1st and 2nd June 2007 The examination for admission to the Rashtriya Indian Military College Dehra – Dun - January 2008 term will be held on 1st and 2nd June 2007 at selected centres in the country of which Chennai city will be one. The written examination will consist of three paper viz. English, Mathematics and General Knowledge. The interview will be held to test the intelligence, personality etc. of the candidates. Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
DOEACC Centre Calicut PG Diploma in Embedded System Design (ED500) Starting on 19th February 2007 Syllabus for our M.Tech & ED 5oo prepared in collaboration with reputed Embedded System Companies in Bangalore and Techno Park Tiruvandurm (Wipro, GE Power Controls, Robert Bosch, Philips, TI, AD, BBS, Mind Tree, TATA Elixsi, etc.) Modules (All Modules contain more than 60% of laboratory work) * Embedded Programming in ‘C’ * system Design using 8-bit micro controllers * System Design using Advanced Micro controller * System using Advanced Micro controllers * System using Digital Signal Processors DOEACC Centre Calicut
Fluid Control Research Institute Kanjikode West Palghat 678 623 Kerala Announces Advanced Certificate Course on “Instrumentation & Control & Data Acquisition System in Fluid Flow in Process & Petroleum Engineering”, “February 01 to March 30, 2007” Fluid Control Research Institute, a high-tech R&D Centre, set up with the assistance of UNDP and run under the administrative control of Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Govt.of India, is a very specialized organization dedicated to design and development of flow products / measurement techniques and has been in the field or nearly 18 years, is offering a learning environment unparalleled in terms of academic ambience backed with state-of-the-art educational infrastructure and well-experienced faculty. Eligibility: Technical personnel in Electronics, Instrumentation, Electrical, Industrial Engineering working in Oil & Gas Industry. Process Industries and related fields can apply. Fluid Control Research Institute
Bharatiya Shiksha Parishad Admission 2007 U.P. (Department of Distance Education) Direct Admission: 2007 – 2008 (24th Session) Technical / Non Technical Part Time Correspondence Admission Courses: Applications are invited for B.Ed., M.Ed., B.P.Ed., C.P.Ed., M.B.A., B.B.A., P.G.D.B.A., LL.B., B.A.LL.B., P.G.D. Management Prog., B.L.Sc., D.L.Sc. inal year / Sem. Students are also eligible to apply. Medium Hindi / English and regional language on pre-permission Prospectus containing application form, details of courses etc. is available on payment of Rs.150/- by Bank-draft / M.O. for Non Tech. & Rs.250/- for Tech. Courses in favour of Indian Institute of Professional Studies, 2/ 268, Vishwas Khand Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226010 by mail or Rs.100/- for Non Tech. & Rs.200 for Tech courses in person Before 31st Jan. 2007 Last date of admission with late fee of Rs.200/- 5th Feb.2007. Examination / Study Centre Approx 150 centres in almost all Major Cities. Semester Started by January & June. Bharatiya Shiksha Parishad Admission 2007
Pearl Academy of Fashion Admission 2007 Pearl Academy of Fashion (PAF) is India’s No.1 private institute of international repute that offers hands-on, career and industry focused fashion and related education programmes. PAF Advantages: * Instant acceptance in the industry * Internationally validated programmes with reputed international universities * Successful placement track record * Merit scholarships on Entrance Test performance basis Pearl Academy of Fashion Admission 2007
Pearl Academy of Fashion Admission 2007 Pearl Academy of Fashion (PAF) is India’s No.1 private institute of international repute that offers hands-on, career and industry focused fashion and related education programmes. PAF Advantages: * Instant acceptance in the industry * Internationally validated programmes with reputed international universities * Successful placement track record * Merit scholarships on Entrance Test performance basis * Scholarships for financially deserving students * Easy bank loans 2 Years Post Graduate Diploma Programmes * Fashion Merchandising Pearl Academy of Fashion Admission 2007
University Of Pune Admission 2007 Department of Computer Science M.C.A., M.Sc., M.Tech, 2007 Entrance Exam will be held on March 3 2007 at Aurangabad, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nashik, Pune, Varanasi. Reservation 50% of seats reserved for Maharashtra domicile SC, ST, DT / NT, OBC as per Govt. of Maharashtra G.R., and 3% for PH. University Of Pune Admission 2007
Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship XIME Admission 2007 Bangalore PGDBM – 2007 One among the Top B-Schools in India (Rated A++ by Business India, October 2006) Founded by a group of leading academicians led by Prof.J.Philip, Former Director IIM –Bangalore The only B-School in Bangalore with five-year Accreditation from NBA (AICTE) Invites applications for the 13th Batch Calling CAT / XAT / GMAT Candidates If you have done well in any of the above, you may wish to consider seeking admission to this prestigious institution located in the heart of the Silicon Valley of India. XIME stands out for its: Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship XIME Admission 2007
Academy of Aviation Education Invites application for Pilot Training for Kingfisher Airlines Pilot Training (CPL) With Multi-Engine Rating Eligibility * For King Fisher Airlines : 19 to 29 yrs Graduate with Maths & Physics * General Category : 17 yrs & above – 10+2 with Maths & Physics * Medical Fitness : As per DGCA Class I. Duration of Course: 20 weeks theory at AAE, Chennai 28 weeks flying at Aerospace Aviation in Sydney, Australia Application Form: Available at Website Sqn.Ldr (retd.) CK.Julius, Director Academy of Aviation Education
Indian Institute of Crafts and Design Admission 2007 The Course: 4-years undergraduate & 21/2 years Postgraduate Diploma programs in Crafts Design endeavour to develop Crafts Designers as proactive change agents for the crafts sector. Also introducing 1-year PG Diploma Course in Craft Marketing from July 2007. The course provides a 100% placement in quality jobs and opportunities with exporters, designers, multilaterial aid agencies, etc. How to Apply: The Application Form with the Prospectus is available on payment of Rs.750/- (Rs. Seven Hundred fifty only) including postage charges either in cash or through Demand Draft in favor of Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, payable at Jaipur. The form can also be downloaded from the IICD website and submitted along with prescribed application fees. Admission process (Important dates): * Prospectus and application form available on 08.01.2007 * Last date of form sale 16.03.2007 Indian Institute of Crafts and Design Admission 2007
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Jnana Sangama Belgaum – 590 014 Karnataka State Phone: 0831 – 2405468 Fax: 2405467 Notification for Registration to Ph. D. in Engineering / Science / Business Administration / Computer Applications and M. Sc. (Engg.) By Research Programmes Applications are invited for registeration to Full time / Part time Ph. D. Programs in Engineering / Science / Business Administration / Computer Applications and M. Sc. (Engg.) by Research programmes as per prevailing regulations of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE – 2007) Vellore 632 014 Tamil Nadu India VIT University, offers programmes in over a dozen academic systems that you can choose from, for you B.Tech. Degree Located in Vellor, 130 kms from Chennai, VIT’s futuristic campus bristles with cutting-edge technology and facilities. And with students from virtually every state in India and many countries, you may well feel that you’re in an international campus! VIT is the first University in India, accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), (formerly, Institute of Electrical Engineers IEE) and the Energy Institute (EI), both from UK. VIT Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE – 2007): 15th April 2007 (Sunday) Admission to the following B.Tech. Programmes will be purely on the basis of Entrance Examination only. Program offered: * Bioinformatics * Bio-Medical Engineering * Biotechnology * Chemical Engineering * Civil Engineering * Computer Science & Engineering * Electronics & Communication Engineering Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE – 2007)
Birla Institute of Technology Admission 2007 (Deemed University u/s 3 of UGC Act, 1956) Mesra, Ranchi – 835215 MBA Programme Applications are invited for admission to full-time MBA Programme 2007-2009 at Mesra, and our Extension Centres at Lalpur. For detailed notification please see website. Eligibility: (A) Candidates must have appeared in CAT 2006. They must hold a Bachelor’s degree (minimum 10+2+3), or equivalent in any discipline recognized by UGC / Ministry of HRD / AIU, with 60% marks (50% for SC /ST) in graduation in aggregate of all subjects. They must also have minimum 60% (50% for SC/ST) in Class 10 (all subjects) and Class 12 (best 5 subjects), Candidates graduating in 2007 can also apply, provided they can submit mark sheets by 30 September 2007. Candidates with qualifications acquired through correspondence or distance-learning programmes are eligible only if they acquired such qualifications as working professionals / while in employment. Birla Institute of Technology Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Forest Management Admission 2007 (An Autonomous Institute of MoE&F, Govt. of India) Post Box No.357, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal – 462003 (MP) Admission Announcement For the XIII Batch Of Post Master’s Course in Natural Resources Management (Equivalent to M.Phil) 2007-08 IIFM, a premier sectoral Management institute established in 1982 to cater to the growing needs for management human power in allied sector, offers admission for its 13th Batch of post Master’s Course in Natural Resource Management. Eligibility: A candidate must have at least two years Master’s Degree or equivalent degree / diplomat [recognized by AIU / AICTE] in any subject with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate. Those appearing in the final year of their Post Graduate Examination can also apply provided they complete the eligibility criteria by June 30th, 2007. Candidates having background Indian Institute of Forest Management Admission 2007
Tamil Nadu Open University Admission 2007 Dote Campus, Guindy, Chennai – 600 025. Phone: 044-2235 3522, 2235 2898 Recognized by NCTE & Dec, New Delhi and Government of Tamil Nadu Invites Applications from In-service Teachers For Admission To The Bachelors of Education (B.Ed. – Tamil Medium) Programme (For 2006-2007 Through Distance Mode) For Eligibility & other details, please refer to the website Tamil Nadu Open University Admission 2007
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Admission 2007 Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110 029 Selection for filling up the following Postgraduate Seats for January 2007 session which remained vacant after 2nd counselling will be held on 22.01.2007, Monday at 9.30 A.M. n case of non-availability of ST candidates, the seats reserved for ST shall be made available to the SC. If ST/SC candidates are not available, then the seats shall be made available to the general category. All those candidates who have secured not less than 50% marks in the PG entrance examination of the Institute held on 12th November 2006 irrespective of their rank in the entrance examination and who are interested in these subjects may report to Academic Section on the above mentioned date & time along with their all Original Certificates viz. Date of Birth, Proof of belonging to SC / ST, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Admission 2007
CARE Hospital Admission 2007 The Institute of Medical Sciences Visakhapatnam Admission to Diplomate in National Board Courses (DNB) Care Hospital, premier super specially hospital of repute invited applications for enrollment in the following DNB Courses. * Cardiology - 2 Seats * Anaesthesiology - 2 Seats for primary passed & 2 seats for Diploma passed Eligibility Criteria: as laid down by NBE, New Delhi Last Date for submission of applications: 22nd January 2007 Date of Commencement of course: 15th February 2007 CARE Hospital Admission 2007
