Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Admission 2006 “Poompozhil”, No.5, Greenways Road, Chennai – 600 028 Phone No: 24641212 & 24641919, Website: www.tndalu.org Ph. D. Programme in Law 2006 Applications are invited for Ph. D Programme (Full-Time / Part-Time) Duration: Full-Time: 2+1 years and the maximum period shall be 5 years from the date of registration. There shall not be further extension of period. Part-Time: 3+1 years and the maximum period shall be 6 years from the date of registration. Eligibility: Full-Time / Part-Time: An M.L. Degree with not less than 55% of marks from The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, the University of Madras or any other Post-Graduate. Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University Admission 2006
Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Admission Dr. Virendra Desai Road, Nadiad-387 001, Gujarat Phone: 0268-2520323 to 2520330, Fax: 0268-2520248 Website: www.mpuh.org Email: info@mpuh.org Announcement regarding entrance examinations for DNB (Urology-4 seats & Two Research Fellows) & DNB (Nephrology – 2 seats) courses. Eligibility for DNB (Urology) course: MS/DNB in General Surgery. Eligibility for DNB (Nephrology course): MD/DNB in General Medicine MD/DNB in Paediatrics Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital Admission
International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ICADR) Admission 2007 (A Society working under the aegis of Ministry of Law and Justice, Govt. of India) Nalsar University Of Law, Hyderabad (A University of Law established under the A.P. Act No. 34 of 1998) Admissions for PG Diploma In A.D.R. Post Graduate Diploma in Alternative Dispute Resolution (Proximate Education) (2007). The minimum eligibility is Graduation. Course duration is 9 months. The course is non-residential and conducted on all-India basis. Contact classes and exams will be held at New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. Arrears, delays and high cost of litigation have become a source of major concern for the litigants, the Government and the Judiciary, all over the world, more particularly in out country. International Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ICADR) Admission 2007
Central Institute Of Psychiatry Admission 2007 Government Of India Kanke, Ranchi-834006 (Jharkhand) Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to the following postgraduate degree/diploma courses of Ranchi University and conducted at this Institute, commencing from May 1, 2007. GROUP A 1. M.D. (Psychiatry): 6 seats Duration: 3 years (exemption of one year is granted to those who have passed Diploma of 2 years duration in the same subject). Qualification: M.B.B.S. degree of any University recognized by Medical Council of India, with one year rotating Internship completed by February, 15, 2007. Central Institute Of Psychiatry Admission 2007
Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Admission Government of Tamil Nadu Chennai – 600 106 1. Applications are invited for admission to BSMS/ BAMS / BHMS / BNYS / courses for 2006-2007 in Government and Self financing Colleges in Tamil Nadu from the candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Courses Examination. Candidates scoring less than 40% in TNPCEE may now apply. These applications are for filling only unfilled seats that arise_after the 2nd counselling to be conducted on 27.10.2006 as per our notification published in leading dailies on 17.10.2006. Candidates who have not applied for admission to the above courses by 26.10.2006 and those who are not able or eligible to participate during walk-in counselling on 27.10.2006. Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Admission
Nepalguni Medical College (Affiliated to Katmandu University & Recognized by Nepal Medical Council) Requires Faculty Members for the department of Anatomy, Pathology, Gynae & Obs., Pediatrics, Medicine, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatry, Radiology, Cardiology, Urology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Nephrology, M. Sc., (Nursing) & MD in Biochemistry, Micro Biology, and Physiology. Send your C.V. with expected remuneration & pub. Details. You can meet M.D, Dr. S.K. Kanadia, and Mob. 09415848298, 09415117800 on 29-30th Oct, in Bangalore, Pre-appointment with Mr. K. Sathya Prakash Mob: 09886967740 Interested Students, can apply for Admission (Payment Seat) Nepalguni Medical College
Sri Gokulam College of Nursing 3/836, Periyakalam, Neykkarapatty, Salem – 636 010 (A Unit of Sri Gokulam Hospital (P) Ltd., Ph: 2448171 to 76) Admission 2006-2007 M. Sc., (N) – 2 Years Specialties in Medical & Surgical, Community, Psychiatric Nursing, Pediatric, O & G, (Affiliated to the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Approved by INC & TNC, Chennai) Eligibility: B. Sc., (N) or PB.B. Sc., (N) registered in T.N.C. and 2 years of teaching / clinical experience, PBBSC (N) Students Need not have experience. Sri Gokulam College of Nursing
University Of Madras - Institute Of Distance Education Admission 2007 (150th Year of Service to Higher Education, accredited at the ‘Five Star Level’ by NAAC and conferred with the University with potential for Excellence status by UGC) Academic Year Programmes Undergraduate Courses (Three Year-Offered Under Regular Stream & Open University System) * B.A. Tamil * B.A. English * B.A. Urdu * B.Sc. Psychology * B.Sc. Geography * B.Lit Tamil Literature * B.B.A Bachelor of Business Administration * B.A. Historical Studies * B.A. Economics * B.Com. Commerce * B.Com . Co-operation * B.A. Public Administration * B.A Vaishnavism University Of Madras - Institute Of Distance Education Admission 2007
SSR Medical College Admission 2006-07 Mauritius (The College with 100% pass rate at the “Screening Test” held by N.B.E., Govt. of India) (Recognized by the WHO & ECFMG, USA). (Affiliated to the University of Mauritius & Recognized by the Medical Council of Mauritius) Admissions MBBS & BDS “The SSR students are taught to an exceptionally high standard” & have “an encyclopedic knowledge”. “The standard is unquestionable: Mauritius, and the SSR Medical College have achieved a world standard under graduate Medical facility” & “The First Graduates (June’05) are excellent” – Prof.1. Peter Gray, U.K. SSR Medical College Admission 2006-07
Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) Admission CIEFL Campus, Hyderabad – 500 007 (An Institute of Higher Education Deemed to be a University) Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) invites applications for admission to the following distance mode (Correspondence) course For information about alternative eligibility requirements, refer to Prospectus or Website. For application form and prospectus for the above course, write to the Chairperson, Centre for English Studies, School of Distance Education, CIEFL, Hyderabad-500007 (Andhra Pradesh) enclosing a Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- (Rupees three hundred only) drawn in favour of The Registrar, CIEFL, Hyderabad –500 007. Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL) Admission
G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital Admission Estd. 1952, Post Box No. 6327 Pappanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore-641 037 Email: gknmh@vsnl.com Launches Physician Assistant Course in collaboration with Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore and D.J. Academy, Coimbatore G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital Admission
Annamalai University Director of Distance Education 2007 Annamalainagar – 608 002 Email: dde@annamalaiuniversity.ac.in Phone: 04144-238610, 237160, and 237337 Fax: 04144 – 238987 Engineering Related Programmes Applications are invited for the following Programmes P.G. Diploma in (Duration : One Year) * Designs and Construction of Concrete Structures * Environmental Management * Computer Aided Design Concrete Structures * Quantity Surveying & Valuation * Automobile Maintenance Annamalai University Director of Distance Education 2007
Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Admission 2006 Pilani, (Rajasthan) 333 031 http://www.bits-pilani.ac.in Second Semester 2006-2007 Applications are invited for admission in the second semester starting from January 2007 in the following programmes. Integrated First Degree Programmes (Code: FD) * At BITS, Pilani-Pilani Campus: Programmes leading to B.E. (Hons): B. Pham. (Hons); M. Sc (Hons) and M. Sc (Tech) degrees. * At BITS, Pilani-Goa Campus: Programmes leading to B.E. (Hons); M. Sc (Hons) and M. Sc (Tech) degrees. Birla Institute of Technology & Science (BITS) Admission 2006
Sainik School Admission 2007 – 2008 Amaravathinagar – 642 102. TamilNadu. Phone: 04252 – 256246 Entrance Examination for admission to class VI and IX std for the year 2007-2008 will be held on 07th – Sunday January 2007 Age: for class VI: Born not before 02 July 1996 and not after 01 July 1997. For class IX: Born not before 02 July 1993 and not after 01 July 1994. Sainik School Admission 2007 – 2008
FORE School of Management (FSM) Admission 2006 Invites applications for its two-year Post-graduate Diploma in Business Management Programme Eligibility for FSM You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university. You could be a final year student awaiting your result. Selection method for FSM You will be shortlisted on the basis of your performance in CAT. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview. Important date Please send in your completed application form before November 17. FORE School of Management (FSM) Admission 2006
Indian Institute of Finance (IIF) Admission 2007 Post Graduate Programs (Session Beginning July 2007) Full Time (Regular) Management of Business Finance (MBF) – 2 Years Eligibility for IIF: Graduation in any discipline with min.60% marks [55% marks for SC/ST/OBC]. Candidates appearing in Final year may apply. Selection for IIF: Written Test [XAT (> 60%) / AIMA – MAT (>600) / GMAT (>700) and G.D. & Interview. Exemption From Written Exam: Grad /PG marks > 85% (for Engg. / Technical / Science Streams) & > 70% (for Commerce / Arts streams): NRIs, Top 3 Univ. Toppers & Celebrities in Sports, Arts, Music, Dance, Modeling etc. Indian Institute of Finance (IIF) Admission 2007
National Institute of Design Admission 2007 Ahmedabad Invites applications for its Graduate Diploma Programme in Design and Post-graduate Diploma Programme in Design. Programme details Graduate Diploma Programme in Design The four-year GDPD is offered in the following faculty streams: * Industrial Design * Communication Design * Textile and Apparel Design: Textile Design Post-graduate Diploma Programme in Design The two to two-and-a-half year PGDPD is offered in the following areas: * Industrial Design * Textile, Apparel and Accessory Design National Institute of Design Admission 2007
NIIT Imperia Admission 2006 Centre for Advanced Learning, offers management programmes from IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Calcutta and IIM Indore to working professionals. Programmes offered * Executive Programme in Applied Finance * Strategic Business Communication Programme * Post-graduate Certificate Programme in Sales & Marketing * Post-graduate Certificate Programme in Management * Accelerated General Management Programme * Senior Management Programme Eligibility Executive Programme in Applied Finance You must be a graduate with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 percent. Candidates with two years of relevant experience will be preferred. NIIT Imperia Admission 2006
Vinayaka Mission`s Research Foundation Admission 2006 Deemed University International Program in Medicine at Offshore Campus, Bangkok, Thailand (Approved by UGC and Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Vinayaka Mission a renowned organization with excellent infrastructure and distinguished academic history in the fields of Medicine, Para-medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Engineering and Management Studies, is serving the society for the past twenty-five years. M.B.B.S. Admissions – 2006 Bangkok * Bangkok, a blend of traditional and trendy life style with tropical climate, changing seasons, unique festivals, historical sites and traditional Thai hospitality Vinayaka Mission`s Research Foundation Admission 2006
Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy Admission 2006 Chennai 600 106 Applications are invited for admission to BSMS/BAMS/BUMS/ BHMS/BNYS Courses for 2006-2007 in Government and Self financing Medical Colleges in Tamil Nadu from the candidates passed in Higher Secondary Courses. The above applications are called for the vacant seats only, available in Government/self-Financing colleges. On the day of counseling, the candidates who have not applied for the above courses up to 26.10.06 can obtain the application in person at Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai-600 106/Govt. Unani Medical College, Chennai-600 106/Govt. Yoga and Naturopathy Medical college, Chennai-600 016 and participate in the Walk-in-counselling. Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy Admission 2006
Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) Admission Recognized by UGC / MHRD. Govt of. India Directorate of Distance Education Applications are invited from Graduates of any discipline for admission to the following two years M.Sc. Degree conducted under distance learning mode: Master of Science (Ecology & Environment / Disaster Mitigation / Media Management / Geo-Informatics / Sustainable Development / Pollution Control / Eco-Tourism / Total Quality Management. Prospectus available free of charge from: Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) Admission
Amrita School of Business MBA Admission Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore Invites applications for its two-year, full-time Master of Business Administration Programme. Eligibility: You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 percent. You could be a final year student awaiting your result. Selection method You must have a valid CAT score. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview. Amrita School of Business MBA Admission
Birla Institute of Management Technology Admission Greater Noida Invites applications for admission to its two-year, full-time Post-graduate Diploma in Business Management programme. Eligibility You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university. You could be a final year student awaiting your result. Selection method You will be shortlisted on the basis of your performance in CAT/ MAT. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview. Birla Institute of Management Technology Admission
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Brilliant’s Mock All India Test (B.MAT) 2007 IIT – JEE 2007 Brilliant’s Mock All India Test (B.MAT) Series and YG-FILE with 1500 questions including write-up based questions Much of the credit for my success at IIT – JEE 2006 goes to the support and guidance of Brilliant Tutorials. The comprehension-based questions of the YG – File were good and helped me in tacking the new pattern questions of JEE 2006… I would recommend your course of any serious IIT – JEE aspirant. Act now! Assess your preparedness for IIT-JEE well in time and benchmark yourself against competition from across India. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) - Brilliant’s Mock All India Test (B.MAT) 2007
Institute of Financial Management and Research Chennai Invites applications for admission to its Post-graduate Diploma in Business Management programme. Eligibility You must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognised university, with a minimum overall aggregate of 60 per cent. You could be a final year student, awaiting your results. Institute of Financial Management and Research
Institute of Petroleum Management Admission 2006 2-Year Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management Focused on Oil & Gas Sector IPMG, under the aegis of Gujarat Energy Research &Management Institute (GERMI) - a Center of Excellence for Research & Education has been set up to train & develop human resources to cater to the petroleum and allied energy sectors, improve knowledge base of policy makers and technologists and provide a competitive edge to leaders to compete in the global arena. It has been promoted with the initiative of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Ltd (GSPC) - A Govt. of Gujarat Undertaking, which is integrated Oil & Gas Company. The Institute at a Glance * Promoted by GSPC- An integrated Oil & Gas Company * Industry focused course curriculum * Faculty resources with international exposure Institute of Petroleum Management Admission 2006
S.P. Jain Centre of Management Admission Invites applications for its one-year, full-time, Global MBA Programme. Details The programme is conducted jointly at S P Jain's Dubai and Singapore campuses. The programme offers specialisation in the following areas: * Investment Banking * Wealth Management * Banking Management * Retail Management * Services Marketing and Management S.P. Jain Centre of Management Admission
Tata Institute of Social Sciences Admission School of Management and Labour Studies of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, invites applications for its Master of Arts Programme in Human Resource Management and Labour Relations. Eligibility You could be a graduate in any discipline with a minimum overall aggregate of 50 percent. You could be a final year student awaiting your result. Selection method You will be shortlisted on the basis of your performance in the written test. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to participate in a group discussion followed by a personal interview. Tata Institute of Social Sciences Admission
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) CAD/CAM/CAE Courses CIPET with three decades of industry relationship catalyzing the growth of CAD/CAM/CAE industries in India with its CAD/CAM/CAE Centre, one of the Asia’s first largest Centre, training more than 700 engineers every year who are globally acknowledged in automotive, consumer & electronics industries, attracting the CAD/CAM/CAE industries to place the trained Engineers in the on site projects in US, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Europian countries offers the following Career oriented training Programmes Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET)
ICFAI Business School Admission 2007 The PG Program 2007-09 Eligibility: Graduation with 50% and above. IBS Aptitude Test (IBSAT 2006): December 17, 2006, Sunday at 173 test centres. In recent surveys, IBS has been ranked among the top B-Schools in India. IBS has always achieved 100% placements for its graduates. IBS alumni, numbering over 9500, are currently pursuing and challenging careers at over 850 blue-chip organizations in India and abroad. Counselling Meet * Free Counselling sessions by renowned experts in the field of Management * 9 Mock Tests to be conducted on October 19, 20 & 21, 2006 at 25 centres on the Competitive Exams model ICFAI Business School Admission 2007
Indian Institute of Technology Admission 2007 Guwahati-781 039 Assam Ph D Admissions, January 2007 In the departments of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities & Social Sciences and also in the Centre for the Environment. Application forms and Information Brochures can be obtained from the Assistant Registrar (Academic), IIT Guwahati either personally or by ordinary post on request along with a self-addressed stamped envelope (24 cm * 15 cm). Indian Institute of Technology Admission 2007
Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD) Admission 2007 Admission to Diploma in Training & Development Distance Learning Programme commencing from 1st Jan 2007 B-41, Qutab Institutional Area New Mehrauti Road New Delhi-110016 E-mail: istd@nic.in Website: www.istddiploma.org , www.istdtrg.org Duration: 18 months (8 Papers followed by Internship Report) Eligibility: Graduate of a recognized University or its equivalent and have a minimum 2 years of working experience in Training/HRD function or Post graduate Degree or equivalent recognized PG Diploma in any discipline. Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD) Admission 2007
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Ansari Nagar New Delhi – 110 029 All India post Graduate Entrance Examination for Admission Under 50% Open Merit Seats Quota in ME/MS/PG Diploma and MDS Courses in Medical & Dental Colleges. Applications are invited in the prescribed form for All India Post Graduate Medical / Dental Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE – 2007) to be conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Sunday, the 14th January, 2007 for admission under open merit seats quota in various Postgraduate (MD/MS/PG Diploma & MDS) courses in Medical & Dental Colleges in the country run by the Union of India. State Governments (except Government of Andhra Pradesh and J&K) and Municipal or other local authorities. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (Deemed Univerisity) P.B.No.2900, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560 029, INDIA Admission Notice Applications are invited on prescribed form for admission to the following courses for the academic Year 2007 - 2008. * Ph.D. o Institute Fellowship + Ph.D. Degree in Mental Health & Social Psychology + Ph.D. Degree in Neurophysiology + Ph.D. Degree in Speech Pathology & Audiology Entrance test will be held for selection of candidates in the month of February o External Fellowship Candidates with Fellowship from recognized Institutions/Agencies/Sponsored can register for the following disciplines. Entrance Test for selection of candidates for Ph.D. programmes in the following departments will be held during the months of February and October. Interested candidates with fellowship should write to the Director along with complete bio-data specifying area of research interest. National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences
Sainik School, Kazhakootam Sainik School Entrance Exam CD Admission to class VI & IX June 2007 (For Boys only) AIM: To prepare the boys academically, physically and mentally for entry into the National Defence Academy and other walks of life. Age Limit: For Admission for class VI Born not before 02 Jul. 1996 and not after 01 July 1997. For Admission to Class IX Born not before 02 Jul 1993 and not after 01 Jul 1994 and studying in class VII or IX Curriculum: 12 +2 system of the CBSE (New Delhi) Date of Entrance Examination: 07 Jan 2007 (Sunday) Examination Centre: Kozhikode, Ernakulam, Kottayam, Sainik School, Kazhakootam and Kavaratti at lakshawdeep (Subject to sufficient number of candidates) Sainik School, Kazhakootam
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Admission 2007 Chandigarh Last Date for Receipt of Application: 6.11.2006 (upto 4.00 PM) Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the following Postdoctoral/Postgraduate courses and Ph.D. programme for the academic session starting from 1st January, 2007. Incomplete applications will not be entertained and no correspondence will be made in this regard. * First Year Junior Resident (For MD/MS courses) o Anaesthesia(Gen-4, SC-1, Spon-2, FN-2) o Ophthalmology(Spon-1) o Biochemistry(SC,-1, Spon-1, OPH-1*) o Orthopaedics Surgery (Gen-3, SC-1, Spon-1) o Community Medicine (Gen,-2, Spon-1) o Radiodiagnosis (Gen-3, SPON-2) o Dermatology, Venerology & Leprology (Gen-2, RA-1, FN-1, Spon-1) o Radiotherapy (SC-1) o ENT (Gen-1,Spon-1, FN-1)
Indian Institute of Finance Admission 2007 Full Time (Regular) Post Graduate Programs (Session Beginning July 2007) Management of Business Finance (MBF) – 2 Years Eligibility: Graduation in any discipline with min. 60% marks [55% marks for SC/ST/OBC] Candidates appearing in Final year may apply. Selection: Written Test [XAT (>600) / GMAT (>700)] and G.D. & Interview. Exemption From Written Exam: Grad / PG marks > 85% (for Engg./ Technical / Science Streams) & >70% (for Commerce / Arts streams): NRIs, Top 3 Univ. Toppers & Celebrities in Sports, Arts, Music, Dance, Modelling etc. Indian Institute of Finance Admission 2007
Anna University Admission 2006 Chennai 600 025 Admission to B.E/B. Tech. (Part-Time) Self – Supporting Degree Programmes 2006-2007 (For Working Professional) Applications are invited for admission to B.E/ B. Tech. Part-Time (SS) (Evening) Programmes, offered in the College of Engineering. Alagappa College of Technology and Madras Institute of Technology of Anna University for the year 2006-2007. Anna University Admission 2006
Indian Institute of Science Admission 2006 Bangalore – 560 012. MID-YEAR Admissions 2006-2007 Research Programs (M Sc (Engg) & Ph D) Applications are invited for admission to the Research program at the Institute. Indian Institute of Science Admission 2006
Indian Institute of Technology Admission 2006 Kanpur Admission to M. Tech/ Ph. D Programmes Applications are invited from Indian citizens for admission for the session commencing from December 2006 in the following programmes: M. Tech: * Chemical Engineering * Materials & Metallurgical Engineering * Nuclear Engineering & Technology * Materials Science Programme. Ph. D: * Aerospace * Chemical * Civil * Electrical * Mechanical * Materials & Metallurgical * Computer Science Indian Institute of Technology Admission 2006
Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute Admission 2006 Bangalore Invites applications for admission to its one-year, full-time Post-graduate Diploma Course in Mechanical Wood Industries Technology. Eligibility: You must be a graduate in Science/ Engineering. You must be less than 28 years old as on December 1, 2006. Important date: Please send in your completed application form before October 23. Indian Plywood Industries Research & Training Institute Admission 2006
Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2006 Invites applications for its four-year BSc (Honours) in Optometry and Ophthalmic Techniques programme. Eligibility You must have passed class XII with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology with a minimum overall aggregate of 45 percent. You must not be less that 17 years old as on December 31, 2006. Important date Please send in your completed application form before October 5. Indira Gandhi National Open University Admission 2006
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Admission Mumbai The National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, invites applications for its two-year PG diploma management programmes. Programme * Post-graduate Diploma in Industrial Management * Post-graduate Diploma in Industrial Safety & Environmental Management * Post-graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management Eligibility You must be an engineering/ technology graduate in any branch with a minimum overall aggregate of 60 percent. You could be a final year student awaiting your result. National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Admission
School of Business & Human Resources - XLRI Singapore Admission XLRI Singapore is an off-shoot of XLRI Jamshedpur, a premier B-school of India. Since its inception in 1949, XLRI Jamshedpur has carved a niche for itself in the field of Management Studies, dedicating itself towards producing world class managers. The Institute provides students with excellent learning opportunities, combining basic business fundamentals with practical experience, keeping in mind the latest trends in the coporate world. XLRI Singapore carries this mission overseas while ensuring that the quality and delivery of XLRI are upheld. School of Business & Human Resources - XLRI Singapore Admission
University of New South Wales UNSWASIA Admission 2007 Singapore’s First Comprehensive International University UNSW Asia, owned and operated by the University of New South Wales, Australia’s leading international university, will be opening in Singapore in 2007. Highlights of Studying at UNSW Asia: * International Community with borderless education experience * Seamless study exchange opportunities between Singapore & Sydney * Internationally recognized degree, similar to that awarded at UNSW * International teaching and research faculty from around the world Programs offered in March 2007 * Bachelor of Commerce * Bachelor of Engineering * Bachelor of International Studies University of New South Wales UNSWASIA Admission 2007
Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Admission for Postgraduate Programme 2007 Ranchi The Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi, invites applications for its various post-graduate programmes. Programme list * Two-year, full-time Post-graduate Programme in Personnel Management * Two-year, full-time Post-graduate Programme in Rural Development * Two-year, full-time Post-graduate Programme in Information Management * Two-year, full-time Post-graduate Programme in Finance Management * Two-year, full-time Post-graduate Programme in Marketing Management Eligibility * You must have a bachelor's degree or its equivalent in any discipline from a recognised university. * You could be a final year student, awaiting your results. Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Admission for Postgraduate Programme 2007
Academy of Aerospace & Aviation Admission 2006 Approved for AME by D.G.C.A., Ministry of Civil Aviation. Govt of India/ In Collaboration with M.P. Flying Club Ltd. Admission Notice Session 2006-07 (winter) AAA Indore, the only academy in Eastern , Northern, Western & Central India having both AME Mech. & AME Avionics Streams of 3 yrs, duration, offers admissions to willing young boys & girls candidates for, For more details click here Academy of Aerospace & Aviation Admission 2006
Fellowship in HIV Medicine 2007 One year clinical training programme in HIV/AIDS care The Fellowship in HIV Medicine is a post graduate level training programme offered by a network of premier medical colleges in India. The course is designed to (i) enhance the knowledge and skills of physicians through high quality training and (ii) support the institution/hospital program to initiate or improve their existing HIV care services. Course Structure: Total 1 year: 4 clinical contact programmes at the training institution (6 weeks in total); distance learning course (4 months): project work at the candidates work place (6 months) Participants will be able to continue their regular jobs while undertaking the training.
